Plan your spa or massage practice retail strategy now for a successful holiday season

Plan your spa or massage practice retail strategy now for a successful holiday season

We’re about to enter the holiday time of year and no doubt some people already are thinking about gift giving. Now’s a good time to plan your year-end spa or massage practice retail sales strategy and make

Business & marketingMassage therapySpa therapy
Apricot Essential Oil

Treat your spa and massage practice clients to the skin hydrating benefits of apricot oil

It’s no wonder that apricot oil has been used for thousands of year. Not only does the apricot have healing and medicinal properties, its oil, which is cold pressed from the kernel of the fruit, is rich in oleic
Massage therapySpa therapyTreatment ideas
Don’t just take a seat……get a lift

Don’t just take a seat……get a lift

Last month I talked about how to differentiate you from the pack, specifically with seated massage.  Whether you are using it as your main business model or only participating in events

Business & marketingMassage therapySpa therapy
Offer the benefits of prenatal massage to boost your spa or massage practice client roster

Offer the benefits of prenatal massage to boost your spa or massage practice client roster

Are you currently working with pregnant women as part of your spa and massage practice clientele?  The American Pregnancy Association writes on its site that “Modern investigation and research has shown...

Business & marketingMassage therapySpa therapy
Looking for the perfect partner for your spa or massage practice? Consider chiropractors

Looking for the perfect partner for your spa or massage practice? Consider chiropractors

If you are looking for another avenue to boost your massage therapy clients, think about reaching out to chiropractors for partnership. There is a real synergy between the massage and chiropractic care.

Business & marketingMassage therapySpa therapy
Develop patience for more positive outcomes for your spa or massage practice

Develop patience for more positive outcomes for your spa or massage practice

They say patience is a virtue and for good reason. Being able to deal with delays or situations that annoy you without getting angry or frustrated is not only good for relationships with other people, it’s better for your health...
Business & marketingMassage therapySpa therapy
Healthy Breathing, Not all Breaths Pack the Same Punch

Healthy Breathing, Not all Breaths Pack the Same Punch

A July 2015 survey conducted by the AMTA found that 52% of individuals surveyed sought massage for medical reasons including: “pain relief, soreness, stiffness or spasms, injury recovery, migraines,...

Massage therapySpa therapy
Start a conversation online to raise visibility for your spa or massage practice

Start a conversation online to raise visibility for your spa or massage practice

Can we talk? What better way to demonstrate your expertise about spa treatments and massage than having a conversation with a prospect. And the good news is that today with the evolution of social media...

Business & marketing
Wonder what clients think about your spa or massage practice? Ask them.

Wonder what clients think about your spa or massage practice? Ask them.

Do you know what your clients really value about your spa or massage practice? You can assume satisfied clients like the results they get from your services and so feel no need to look elsewhere.
Business & marketing
What’s holding you back from moving your spa or massage practice ahead?

What’s holding you back from moving your spa or massage practice ahead?

Do you feel that you are holding yourself back from taking steps that would take your spa or massage practice to the next level? You may not even be able to identify what’s getting in your way...

Business & marketingMassage therapySpa therapy
Have a seat and let’s talk about massage.

Have a seat and let’s talk about massage.

I recently volunteered at an association meeting of family physicians.  My state chapter of AMTA was hosting a booth with seated massage and research information on the efficacy of massage.

Massage therapySpa therapyTreatment ideas