Implicit Bias Training Working with Diverse Populations with Tanya Rodriquez
Listen and learn as Tanya discusses Implicit Bias Training addressing the vast diversity of client/patient populations and how to approach clients/...
Evolutionary Perspective on Diabetes: How Bodywork May Assist with Dale Alexander PhD
Diabetes is not just something that pops out of nowhere. It has a progression. Listen and learn as Dale outlines a theorized evolutionary origin of...
Quick Manual Therapy Techniques for Musculoskeletal Pain Relief with James Waslaski
Let’s listen and learn as James discusses how to treat the most common contributions for musculoskeletal pain, for each body area, in less than 5 m...
Trauma-Informed Practices: Evidence Based Approaches to Inclusive, Compassionate & Holistic Care with Brian Trzaskos
Experts estimate 90% of people have experienced significant trauma at least once in their lives. Posttraumatic symptoms can hide as “common” maladi...
Causes and Care of Type 2 Diabetes with Michael Shea
Listen and learn as Michael explores Type Two Diabetes (T2D) as a Metabolic Syndrome. Metabolically hyperinsulinemia driving T2D is caused from exc...
ACE Cupping Therapies for Surgical Prep and Recovery with Anita Shannon
Listen and Learn as Anita discusses specific vacuum therapies techniques for pre and post-surgical issues. Anita will review interaction within the...
CranioSacral Therapy and Applications for Alzheimer’s & Dementia with Michael Morgan
Listen and Learn as Michael shares his 15-20 years of groundbreaking research on CranioSacral Therapy (CST) for Alzheimer’s and Dementia. His non-p...
Daily Habits to Aid Remission of Type 2 Diabetes with Micayla Dollinger
Remission for Type 2 Diabetes patients is not always possible, but for many it is. Micayla shares lifestyle habits and skills to help anyone manage...
Unlocking Relief: The Power of Massage Therapy Research in Managing Headaches with Adrienne Asta
Headaches and migraines impact daily lives, from limiting productivity to hindering enjoyment. Discover compelling research supporting massage ther...
Therapeutic Strategies for Surgeries, Scars and Burns with Pete Whitridge
Deepen your therapy skills and explore how manual therapies can affect traumatic, surgical and burn scars. Listen and learn as Pete expands your kn...
Reverse Type II Diabetes without Fancy Diets, Starving or Exhausting Exercises with Dr. Spages
Learn the proven strategies to effectively reverse Type II Diabetes without resorting to elaborate diets, starvation, or strenuous exercise regimen...
Prepare Your Practice for the ‘Silver Tsunami’ of Baby Boomers with Sheila Alexander
Most therapists and practice owners already have seniors in their families and as massage clients. Listen and learn as Sheila discusses the 3 class...