
Does CBD Work as an Appetite Suppressant?

Can You Control Diabetes with CBD?

Should You Mix CBD and Alcohol?

Emerging Role of CBD in Substance Abuse and Withdrawal
The use of illegal drugs is a global problem. The most recent figures from 2018 indicate that 5.4 percent of the global population used illegal drugs in 2018, although the problem of illegal drug use and abuse varies from country to country.[1] Among Americans, 11.7 percent 12 and over use illegal...

Arthritis Sufferers Are Turning to CBD
Most people know someone with arthritis. You may be suffering from it yourself. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports that in the United States, 23 percent of all adults, or more than 54 million people, have arthritis.

CBD Adoption and Use Today

CBD is Showing Up on the Menu at Spas. Here’s why.
With the increasing popularity of CBD, many spas are featuring CBD on their treatment menu. This is not so surprising when you consider that the spa industry has used natural ingredients...

CBD Need to Know: How Much Do You Need & The Best Time to Take It

Body Mechanics for the Massage Therapist
Remember the shoemaker’s children. The shoemaker was so busy taking care of his customers, his wife and children went shoeless. When it comes to taking care of clients, don’t let poor body mechanics turn you into the shoemaker.

CBD for Better Heart Health?
Cardiovascular diseases are the leading cause of death around the world, reports the World Health Organization. More people die annually from CVDs than from any other cause.

Is CBD An Option for Relief from PMS Symptoms?