Make Client Education about the Benefits of Massage Ongoing
A stressful day or a period of anxiety can lead clients to your massage table. Sore muscles and joints after a particularly tough day of sports is another reason clients book appointments to get relief.
How to Practice Gratitude
Does CBD Work as an Appetite Suppressant?
Can You Control Diabetes with CBD?
Should You Mix CBD and Alcohol?
How CBD Could Help Menopause Symptoms
Can CBD Help Control Spring Allergies
Emerging Role of CBD in Substance Abuse and Withdrawal
The use of illegal drugs is a global problem. The most recent figures from 2018 indicate that 5.4 percent of the global population used illegal drugs in 2018, although the problem of illegal drug use and abuse varies from country to country.[1] Among Americans, 11.7 percent 12 and over use illegal...
Is CBD a new treatment for acne?
If you are suffering from acne, you are far from alone. Acne is the most common skin condition in the United States, affecting up to 50 million Americans annually. While acne usually begins in puberty and affects adolescents and young adults, it can occur at any stage of life.