
Success in Business Requires Strong Interpersonal Skills
At some point in your career, you may have worked for someone who was an expert at their profession but was profoundly lacking in interpersonal skills.

10 Holiday Marketing Ideas That Ring Up Sales
With the holidays just around the corner, you want to maximize your opportunity to book more appointments and sell at-home offerings.

Educate Clients on Facial Massage Benefits
Clients may not be familiar with the many benefits of facial massage. Bring them up to date, explaining facial massage techniques to look better or deal with a specific skin problem.

Collaboration Can Be Key to Unlocking Business Growth
If you are looking for a way to take your business to a new level, consider collaboration. It can inspire you as you learn new ways to approach business. And you can boost clients and revenue from the relationships you establish.

Keep One Step Ahead to Manage Risks to Your Business
No risk, no reward. You’ve most likely heard that motto before and it certainly applies to owning or running or business. There are lots of rewards being in charge of a successful business operation, and they aren’t all financial.

When Treating Clients for Aches and Pains, Keep it Cool!
Reach for the menthol when massage clients seek relief from aches and pains. Derived either from natural sources, including peppermint and eucalyptus plants, or produced synthetically, menthol provides a wide range of soothing and stimulating properties.

Does Your Business Have An "Ah" Factor?
Why do clients come to your spa or massage practice? The obvious answer is your expertise to treat a problem they are having, whether it is relief from pain and anxiety through massage or improving or treating skin.

Put Eucalyptus Front and Center
When it comes to fauna and flora, Australia has given the world a lot to appreciate. After all, Koalas and Kangaroos hail from “Down Under.” On the flora front, Eucalyptus trees, native to Australia and now grown the world over, are highly valued for their medicinal properties.

How Do You Win Back Clients?
Clients come and go for any number of reasons. You may lose clients because they move or need to make changes to their budget because of a change in employment. But what about clients who stop booking appointments for no apparent reason?

Successful Retailing: Retail is Detail
Are you satisfied with your retail sales? It’s an important question, since retail sales can add to your bottom line, ranging anywhere from five to 30 percent of your revenue.

CBD and Lidocaine Deserve Their Place on Your Back Bar for Client Joint Pain Relief
Looking for a topical pain reliever? Depending on the ailment, lidocaine may be the answer. It’s a drug that blocks transmission of nerve messages. Lidocaine acts as an anesthetic, an agent that reduces sensation or numbs pain.

Seven Steps to Great Customer Service
Maintaining quality customer service doesn’t just happen. It’s something you need to work at continuously. It’s what clients expect and when customer service starts slipping, eventually clients will look elsewhere. Also, what was considered great customer service a few years ago might be different today.