Add geriatric clients to your roster to grow your spa or massage practice

Add geriatric clients to your roster to grow your spa or massage practice

As of last year, the number of baby boomers – those between 51 and 69 -- was estimated at 74.9 million. With a growing focus on wellness and the desire stay more active than previous generations, the boomer 

Business & marketingMassage therapySpa therapy
Use Facebook to help build your spa or massage practice

Use Facebook to help build your spa or massage practice

More than 50 million businesses are using Facebook pages to reach their customers, according to figures released in December. Increasingly customers are turning to social media as a way to interact with...

Business & marketingMassage therapySpa therapy
Do spa and massage practice clients love lemons? Treat them to Lemongrass Oil.

Do spa and massage practice clients love lemons? Treat them to Lemongrass Oil.

If your clients love the smell of lemons, they will love Lemongrass Oil. Extracted by steam distillation from the Lemongrass, a tall perennial plant that is native to India and Southeast Asian countries, Lemongrass...

Massage therapySpa therapyTreatment ideas
When in Doubt, Refer Out!

When in Doubt, Refer Out!

No individual therapist knows everything there is to know about every condition client’s may face. You don’t have to be a massage therapist very long before a client walks in the door with some condition you have never heard of before!

Business & marketingMassage therapySpa therapy
It’s a good time for your spa or massage practice. Desire for wellness is driving spa market growth

It’s a good time for your spa or massage practice. Desire for wellness is driving spa market growth

Getting and staying healthy is fueling growth in the U.S. spa market.  The “Spa Market in the U.S. 2016-2020” report just released by market research firm Technavio forecasts the U.S. spa market will grow at

Business & marketingMassage therapySpa therapy
Make customer appreciation a focus at your spa or massage practice

Make customer appreciation a focus at your spa or massage practice

When is the last time you told your clients how much you appreciated their business? Not that providing outstanding service, an inviting environment and a wide selection of products for at-home use don’t matter.

Business & marketingMassage therapySpa therapy
Seven ways to overcome self-doubt to take on new challenges at your spa or massage practice

Seven ways to overcome self-doubt to take on new challenges at your spa or massage practice

Is self-doubt holding you back from making that next big move that could move your spa or massage practice to the next level? Even with a number of successes under your belt, it’s not at all uncommon...

Business & marketingMassage therapySpa therapy
Don’t let toxic personalities create an unhealthy spa or massage practice workplace

Don’t let toxic personalities create an unhealthy spa or massage practice workplace

It’s pretty hard to avoid gossip these days. Social media churns it out minute by minute and even if you aren’t glued to your computer or mobile device; the news media picks it up and repackages it for you on air or in print.

Business & marketing
Chamomile at tea time or anytime is good for your spa and massage practice clients

Chamomile at tea time or anytime is good for your spa and massage practice clients

Chamomile is used in teas around the globe, but the herb with its apple scent has many other benefits besides relaxing you. There actually is a range of species of Chamomile; the most popular being German and Roman...

Massage therapySpa therapyTreatment ideas
Do spa and massage practice clients trust your brand? Put yourself in your client’s shoes to find out.

Do spa and massage practice clients trust your brand? Put yourself in your client’s shoes to find out.

When it comes to building trust in your spa or massage practice brand, consistency is the name of the game. Consider the following.

Business & marketingMassage therapySpa therapy
Do You Deliver What You Promise?

Do You Deliver What You Promise?

Have you ever had an experience where a company promised the moon, but delivered a pebble? It is disappointing to say the least! Our relationships with our customers are based on trust.

Business & marketingMassage therapySpa therapy
Is a partner right for your spa or massage practice? Consider the pros and cons.

Is a partner right for your spa or massage practice? Consider the pros and cons.

Has your spa or massage practice reached a point where you feel you can’t take it any further going down the path you currently are on? You may want to open a second operation in another part of town...

Business & marketingMassage therapySpa therapy