man receiving massage treatment

Once just for the ladies, spas are becoming a new retreat for men

Could spas become the new venue for company retreats for team building? While 20 years ago, men only made up 10 percent of the US spa market, the times are changing.

Business & marketingMassage therapySpa therapy
Marketing to millennials changes the rules of engagement

Marketing to millennials changes the rules of engagement

When it comes to marketing your spa or massage practice, one size does not fit all when trying to appeal to different generations. While marketing campaigns can include globally appealing messages, you need to understand the different...

Business & marketing
Explore funding options to grow your spa or massage practice

Explore funding options to grow your spa or massage practice

Are you thinking that it’s time to expand your spa or massage practice? Maybe you want to add another location or you would like to offer more skin care services and that involves buying new equipment...

Business & marketingMassage therapySpa therapy
Safeguard your spa or massage practice data from cybercrime

Safeguard your spa or massage practice data from cybercrime

Cybercrime may not be your number one concern but as the owner of a spa or massage practice, your business may be a prime target.  Since 2011, cyberattacks focused on small...

Business & marketingMassage therapySpa therapy
Create a winning culture to attract and retain spa and massage practice employees

Create a winning culture to attract and retain spa and massage practice employees

Unless you are sole practitioner, you depend on a team of capable people to run your business and serve clients.  Yet recruiting top talent is a problem for employers. Fortune writes that...

Business & marketingMassage therapySpa therapy
How to effectively use text marketing for your spa or massage practice

How to effectively use text marketing for your spa or massage practice

Consumers are spending over four hours a day on mobile devices. The fact that one sixth of the day is spent interacting with mobile devices just shows how much consumers have come to...

Business & marketingMassage therapySpa therapy
Follow-up strategies to get repeat spa and massage therapy client business

Follow-up strategies to get repeat spa and massage therapy client business

Are you waiting by the phone for clients to call and rebook a spa or massage therapy appointment? Don’t wait for clients to make the first move, whether they are first-timers or...

Business & marketingMassage therapySpa therapy
Product Sales: Finding Products that Fit Your Practice

Product Sales: Finding Products that Fit Your Practice

Do you sell products to your clients?  If so, how do you determine which products to recommend? Do you consider scope of practice when determining what products are appropriate to suggest to your clients?

Business & marketingMassage therapyRetailSpa therapy
Why going with the flow can be a winning strategy for your spa or massage practice

Why going with the flow can be a winning strategy for your spa or massage practice

It’s midway through the year. Are things going as you planned for your spa or massage practice?  Even if business is generally doing well, maybe you haven’t met all the goals that you hoped to achieve...

Business & marketingMassage therapySpa therapy
5 steps to take to improve your confidence and boost your spa or massage practice business

5 steps to take to improve your confidence and boost your spa or massage practice business

People naturally are attracted to those who have confidence. Confidence doesn’t mean being boastful, either. It means having the courage of your convictions to do what you think is right, being positive things will work out, and handling challenges head on.

Business & marketingMassage therapyTreatment ideas
10 ways to be more productive at your spa or massage practice

10 ways to be more productive at your spa or massage practice

When you run your own spa or massage practice or manage one, you probably feel there are not enough hours in the day to accomplish all the things you need to do to keep things running smoothly.

Business & marketingMassage therapySpa therapy
5 mistakes that could undermine your spa or massage practice social media marketing

5 mistakes that could undermine your spa or massage practice social media marketing

By now, you’ve probably realized that there is a lot more to leveraging social media to help market your spa or massage practice than the occasional tweet or Facebook posting.

Business & marketingMassage therapySpa therapy