Spring Cleaning

Spring Cleaning

Spring has sprung and it’s time to shake things up. I always use the seasons as a prompt to freshen my office and menu. For example Green Tea and Lime Leaf have usurped Milk and Honey as the go to experience and exfoliation is the name of the game. Clients are shedding winter wear and showing more skin. Most have been on low fat diets and their skin shows it. So before they get their spray tans, they need this...
Treatment ideas
Using the Best Tools for the Job

Using the Best Tools for the Job

A few weeks ago I had the pleasure of joining BIOTONE at the New England Regional Conference in Framingham, Massachusetts. What a great show! It's always so much fun to talk shop with the attendees at conferences such as NERC...
Business & marketingCommunity
Unleash your Innovation for Greater Success

Unleash your Innovation for Greater Success

The news of Steve Jobs’ passing reverberated around the world. He was a technology rock star to his followers, many of whom feared Apple would decline without him. A friend of mine shares that concern. She left the Apple store the other day empty handed after trying to upgrade her three-year-old iPhone. None of the options appealed to her. “Without Steve, things are awful,” she said...
Business & marketing
Put your Real Self in your Branding Efforts

Put your Real Self in your Branding Efforts

In the past, I’ve talked about the importance of building your brand (see: Your Personal Brand is Your Promise to the World). Brand building involves creating a unique and lasting impression about your business. Your brand is a key part of the relationship you build with your clients and others...
Business & marketing
Revenue Generating Space versus Quality  of Client Experience

Revenue Generating Space versus Quality of Client Experience

As a consultant I often have to deal with the delicate balance of resource use, including space planning. How much do you dedicate to revenue generating like services and retail and how much goes to ensuring a quality experience for the client which includes staff support, décor, and amenities?...
Business & marketing
What Leap Will You Take This Year With Your Business?

What Leap Will You Take This Year With Your Business?

Did you know that the leap year custom of women asking men to marry them goes back to 1288? I don’t know why the addition of one extra day in the year emboldened women to take the upper hand regarding matrimony, but that’s the tradition or so it was...
Finding Balance

Finding Balance

Have you ever worked with a client that sucked the energy out of you? Most therapists have, whether they realize it or not. These especially needy clients often don't even realize that they are "attacking" their therapists...
Massage therapy
Help Clients say “I Care” to the Someone Special

Help Clients say “I Care” to the Someone Special

Happy Valentine’s Day! Hearts and cupid notwithstanding, today is one of those special days of the year to let others know you are thinking about them. That’s what makes today special to me. We all want to know that someone cares. The nice part is that you can help your customers convey that message. A great way to tell someone you care is to treat them to a massage or skincare treatment...
Spa therapyTreatment ideas
What Does Your Space Say About You?

What Does Your Space Say About You?

We all know that a place can impact how we feel but often times we underestimate that influence. According to the book Sacred Spaces by Denise Linn “you cannot separate the purpose of your livelihood from the space you occupy to fulfill it”. In other words your space expresses concretely how you feel about your work, yourself and your clients. Trust me, in all the years of consulting I have walked into more than a few spaces that either impressed or horrified me by their message...
Spa therapy
Make Sure Your Clients Know You Love Your Job

Make Sure Your Clients Know You Love Your Job

Getting up in the morning and going to work does not seem to be an issue for most of you. In fact, it’s quite the opposite. What I hear from so many of you at trade shows is how much you love your work especially because you feel you are making a difference...
Business & marketingRetail


In an unprecedented move the American Massage Conference has officially expanded to 3 conferences in one by adding education and vendor space for massage, chiropractic and acupuncture! The producers have created a trifecta of conferences all happening simultaneously April 20th, 21st & 22nd at the Town and Country Resort in San Diego, California...
Top Ten Customer Service Mistakes

Top Ten Customer Service Mistakes

Last Thursday, my vet called in two prescriptions to my local drug store for one of my dogs. Fortunately it’s not a serious problem, but something that does need treatment. I followed up later in the day to find out when the prescriptions would be ready. It should have been a simple call but there were problems. Whoever initially took down the prescriptions got my dog’s name wrong; and then there was an issue about one of the pills, which was a refill...