Why you want avocado oil on your spa and massage practice menu

Why you want avocado oil on your spa and massage practice menu

Want to help your spa and massage practice clients beat back Father Time? Introduce them the skin enhancing benefits of avocado oil. With its chemical properties and water-retaining qualities, avocado oil also acts
Treatment ideas
person receiving massage

Five treatment room strategies for Mind Body Connection

Life gives us constant opportunities for growth. Like when a topic keeps coming up so that you can’t help but take notice.
Massage therapy
BIOTONE kicks off season of giving with $10,000 donation to Massage Therapy Foundation

BIOTONE kicks off season of giving with $10,000 donation to Massage Therapy Foundation

We like to begin the season of giving a little earlier here at BIOTONE. Every year, in October, the Massage Therapy Foundation (MTF) announces annual grants to community programs and services around the country to bring touch therapies to underserved communities.
Employee, Independent Contractor or Renter:  What’s the Best Fit for Your Practice?

Employee, Independent Contractor or Renter: What’s the Best Fit for Your Practice?

As a SPA consultant, I am often asked my opinion on the best way to structure adding therapists to a practice. Massage and SPA owners have the option to hire employees...
Massage therapy
How to be a trendsetter and not a trend follower in your spa or massage practice

How to be a trendsetter and not a trend follower in your spa or massage practice

Each year, the International Spa Association releases a report on the spa trends for the year. This year, key among the trends were personalization – treatments and services geared to the unique needs of the individual...
Massage therapy
Define your unique selling proposition to set your spa or massage practice apart

Define your unique selling proposition to set your spa or massage practice apart

What makes your spa or massage practice unique from the competition? Is it the type of massage therapies you offer – aromatherapy and deep tissue, for example - or the special skin treatments you’ve created?
Massage therapy
Make the most of spa and massage practice holiday revenue by going the marketing ‘extra mile’

Make the most of spa and massage practice holiday revenue by going the marketing ‘extra mile’

There’s no doubt the holiday season is kicking in. Companies like UPS are already putting out the word for seasonal help. Whether or not this will be a strong holiday for shopper remains to be seen...
Massage therapy
How to build a rapport with your spa and massage practice clients

How to build a rapport with your spa and massage practice clients

You know how easily you connect with some of your spa and massage practice clients. From the first time you meet you have an instant rapport. The connection may stem from finding humor in the same thing or...
Massage therapy
The Price is Right - Part Two: Three strategies to make value based price increases

The Price is Right - Part Two: Three strategies to make value based price increases

Raising prices is one of the hardest business decisions most of us make. But when it comes to owning your own business, it’s one of the most important decisions for success.
Massage therapy
Your spa and massage clients won’t forget the name or the benefits of Jojoba

Your spa and massage clients won’t forget the name or the benefits of Jojoba

It’s not only because of its name that Jojoba is unique. Derived from a desert plant found in desert regions of northern Mexico and southwestern United Sates; Jojoba Oil actually is not an oil.
Massage therapy
How to become more empathetic to spa and massage practice clients

How to become more empathetic to spa and massage practice clients

“How’s your week going?” No doubt you probably ask that question – or something like it -- many times throughout the week of spa or massage practice clients. For some clients, that simple question can be a door opener to unburden themselves...
Massage therapy
Don’t wait for your ideal spa or massage practice clients to walk through the door. Go after them.

Don’t wait for your ideal spa or massage practice clients to walk through the door. Go after them.

Among your spa or massage practice clients, who are your ideal clients? Which ones value your services, share your business values and appreciate your efforts to ensure they have a satisfying experience.