Permission is Better than Forgiveness When it Comes to Copyright

Permission is Better than Forgiveness When it Comes to Copyright

Did you know that just because something is posted on the internet it doesn’t mean it is copyright free? If you visit an artist’s website, copy a picture to your hard drive and then post that picture on social media you have most likely violated copyright law.
Massage therapy
The Price is Right - Part One: Three ways to know if you need a price increase

The Price is Right - Part One: Three ways to know if you need a price increase

Raising prices is one of the hardest business decisions most of us make. But when it comes to owning your own business, it’s one of the most important decisions for success.
Business & marketing
How to find the right business partner for your spa or massage practice

How to find the right business partner for your spa or massage practice

Are you thinking it might be time to take on a business partner? As a massage professional, you may want to partner with a chiropractor to expand your client base. Or if your business is therapeutic massage, it could be beneficial to partner with someone who...
Massage therapy
7 steps to be more optimistic about your spa or massage practice and life

7 steps to be more optimistic about your spa or massage practice and life

For some people, the glass is always half full. They never seem to worry too much feeling confident that things will just work out fine. If you aren’t a born optimist...
Business & marketing
Care for clients at your spa or massage practice starts with your own self-care

Care for clients at your spa or massage practice starts with your own self-care

If you’re not feeling well or are worn out from the physical demands and pressure of running your spa or massage practice, you can’t give your clients 100 percent. That’s why own self-care is extremely important...
Massage therapy
Ways to raise prices at your spa or massage practice and not lose clients

Ways to raise prices at your spa or massage practice and not lose clients

'Ways to raise prices at your spa or massage practice and not lose clients', 'Y', 'When you started your spa or massage practice, you might have set prices for your services geared to the lower end of the market to attract clients. Now that you
Massage therapy
Stay top of mind among spa and massage practice clients with email marketing

Stay top of mind among spa and massage practice clients with email marketing

Many of you may be actively working your social media networks – Facebook and Twitter in particular - in order to engage with your spa or massage practice clients and prospects. Social media has the advantages of immediacy...
Business & marketing
Learn how to sell your spa or massage practice services even if you don’t like selling

Learn how to sell your spa or massage practice services even if you don’t like selling

Mention sales or selling to some people and watch them cringe. Sales people get a bad rap, and in some cases, it’s justified. Nobody like a pushy sales person, especially when it’s clear the goal is meeting quota at the expense of your needs...
Business & marketing
Boost Your Business with Client Retention

Boost Your Business with Client Retention

Do you know how much it costs you to acquire a new client? The average cost can vary widely depending on the effectiveness of your marketing strategy. The acquisition cost calculation should include what you are spending on marketing programs such as...
Business & marketing
Koalas can’t resist the benefits of Eucalyptus and neither will your client

Koalas can’t resist the benefits of Eucalyptus and neither will your client

Koalas may be cute and cuddly, but did you know they are picky eaters. The iconic Australian marsupial mainly eats the foliage of eucalyptus species because of its high water content. By simply dining on the leaves of this tall evergreen tree...
Massage therapy
What it takes to enJOY your life and your spa or massage practice even more

What it takes to enJOY your life and your spa or massage practice even more

Famed Peanuts author Charles Shultz said, “Happiness is a warm puppy.” I expect many of you agree knowing how you ‘like’ and ‘share’ the cute animal photos we post on our Facebook page. If you have a warm puppy at home – or an older dog or cat...
Pass the Dead Sea salts to give your spa and massage client foot pain relief

Pass the Dead Sea salts to give your spa and massage client foot pain relief

Let’s face it, when your feet hurt, everything hurts. From bad shoes to bunions (the former often the cause of the latter) to arthritis and more, whatever the reason, you really can’t stand it when your feet are causing you pain...
Massage therapy