How to make the most of client feedback about your spa and massage practice

How to make the most of client feedback about your spa and massage practice

When clients move on, you can’t assume it’s because they are dissatisfied. There may be another reason behind their departure – a change in their personal life or work status or a health issues. However, if clients find fault with your service offering, you want to know about it...
Business & marketing
Inspiration from one Massage Therapist to Another

Inspiration from one Massage Therapist to Another

Thanks to presenting at the World Massage Festival, I have had a great month both personally and professionally. I taught a little, learned a lot, and enjoyed Karaoke night - answering the age old question...
Massage therapy
Want to feel better every day at your spa or massage practice? TRY YOGA!

Want to feel better every day at your spa or massage practice? TRY YOGA!

Twenty four million people can’t be wrong. That’s how many U.S. adults practiced yoga in 2013, according to a survey from the Sports & Fitness Industry Association...
Massage therapy
arnica oil

Include Arnica in spa and massage practice pain-relieving treatments

Helping clients relieve pain is one of your primary objectives in providing massage. Our goal at BIOTONE is to provide you with the tools that enable you to achieve this goal...
Massage therapy
Why having the right tools matter to your spa or massage practice

Why having the right tools matter to your spa or massage practice

No matter what profession you are in, you want to have the best tools. Not only will the right equipment make you more effective, it will help ensure a better quality service offering for your clients...
Business & marketing
The Evolution of Continuing Education

The Evolution of Continuing Education

One of my favorite parts of belonging to the massage and bodywork community is that it is so dynamic. As a result of traveling to teach massage, I have met therapists from all over the world who collectively practice every type of modality...
Massage therapy
Get your clients talking about your spa or massage practice to boost marketing

Get your clients talking about your spa or massage practice to boost marketing

Who doesn’t like a compliment? I’m sure you appreciate hearing from clients how much they value the services and expertise of your spa or massage practice...
Business & marketing
How to boost gift card sales at your spa or massage practice

How to boost gift card sales at your spa or massage practice

If you are looking for a way to boost sales at your spa and massage practice, think about offering gift cards, if you don’t already. According to, over $100 billion is spent on gift cards annually...
Business & marketing
Give your chair massage service a boost to gain more clients

Give your chair massage service a boost to gain more clients

Is your chair massage practice not quite living up your expectations? Maybe you expanded your spa or massage practice services to offer chair massage to introduce even more prospective clients...
Business & marketing
Hosting your own wellness event

Hosting your own wellness event

Several months ago I mentioned that I needed to make some changes to freshen up my menu. Based on current trends and my client’s lifestyle, I decided to replace “Spa Parties” on my menu with “Wellness Soiree’s”...
Business & marketing
Tell your spa or marketing practice story with video

Tell your spa or marketing practice story with video

Today marketing is about telling stories that capture the attention and engage the interest of your audience in your brand. So what better way to tell your spa or massage practice story then with an entertaining video...
Business & marketing
Seven steps to successful negotiating for your spa or massage practice

Seven steps to successful negotiating for your spa or massage practice

There’s an old saying that “80 percent of life is just showing up.” I’d expand on that with – “and negotiating for something.” Unfortunately, many approach negotiating as a win/lose proposition...
Business & marketing