Learn How to Sell your Spa and Massage offering even if you’re not a born Salesperson

Learn How to Sell your Spa and Massage offering even if you’re not a born Salesperson

Hate the idea of having to sell? Not everyone is born a salesperson; but owning or managing a spa or massage practice requires having some selling skills...
Business & marketing
Why you want to Toot your own Horn about your Spa or Massage Practice

Why you want to Toot your own Horn about your Spa or Massage Practice

Who doesn’t love a compliment? Not only does having a client say something good about you –online or in person– a glowing approval of your service helps to promote your spa or massage practice...
Business & marketing
Spring Cleaning tips for your Spa or Massage Practice

Spring Cleaning tips for your Spa or Massage Practice

It may be hard work, but there’s something about spring cleaning that actually lifts my spirits. Must be the sense of renewal that comes with giving the home – and our BIOTONE offices – a thorough once over...
Business & marketing
Improve the Efficiency of your Spa or Massage Practice to Boost your Bottom Line

Improve the Efficiency of your Spa or Massage Practice to Boost your Bottom Line

If there’s one thing we all seem short on, it’s time. And when it comes to running your spa or massage practice, that time truly can mean money, more or less of it on your bottom line depending on the efficiency of your operations...
Business & marketing
Don’t let Self-doubt Derail your Spa or Massage Practice Success

Don’t let Self-doubt Derail your Spa or Massage Practice Success

In “Believe in Yourself (And why Nothing Will Work If You Don’t…) James Clear, writer, entrepreneur and behavior science expert writes, “The biggest difference I’ve noticed between successful people and unsuccessful people isn’t intelligence or opportunity or resources...
Business & marketing
Is your website contributing to the growth of your spa or massage practice? It should be.

Is your website contributing to the growth of your spa or massage practice? It should be.

Is your website pulling its weight when it comes to helping your spa or massage practice grow?  Today a website is one of the most important marketing and sales tools you have. That’s because the vast majority of today’s consumers – 97 percent... 

Business & marketingMassage therapy
Why a Bedside Manner Matters to your Spa and Massage Practice Clients

Why a Bedside Manner Matters to your Spa and Massage Practice Clients

Getting a massage can be intimidating. There’s bound to be some sense of vulnerability when lying on a table disrobed, especially for first time clients. That’s why it’s important to keep clients feelings in mind...
Business & marketing
coconut and coconut oil

Treat your Spa and Massage Practice Client to the Skin-healthy Benefits of Coconut Oil.

We all know that when it comes to health, fads come and go. In the case of coconut oil, however, don’t expect that the popularity of this natural oil will be waning anytime soon...
Business & marketing
Mastering the Art of Observation

Mastering the Art of Observation

Over the years I have been in conversation with hundreds of massage therapists and it turns out a lot of us have the same concerns: building our practice, retaining clients, and avoiding burn out...
Business & marketing
Set Boundaries in your Spa or Massage Practice to Avoid Strained Relationships

Set Boundaries in your Spa or Massage Practice to Avoid Strained Relationships

You love your work, but relationships among team members at your spa or massage practice are having a real strain on you and the business. Unfortunately, that’s not an uncommon scenario...
Business & marketing
Add-on Services Get Good Results for your Clients and your Spa and Massage Practice

Add-on Services Get Good Results for your Clients and your Spa and Massage Practice

Who would miss an opportunity to add more value to your spa or massage practice clients and boost your revenue at the same time? Well that’s the beauty of providing add-on services...
Business & marketing
How to Raise your Prices and Keep Spa and Massage Clients Coming Back

How to Raise your Prices and Keep Spa and Massage Clients Coming Back

Costs go up. That’s one of the realities of running your spa or massage practice, or any business for that matter. To avoid a decline in your own profitability...
Business & marketing