Faced with a challenging spa or massage client problem? Here are some tips for handling it.

Faced with a challenging spa or massage client problem? Here are some tips for handling it.

You know the old adage, “the customer is always right.” Even if your spa or massage client isn’t necessarily right, you want to be sure to resolve any issues that may end the relationship or...
Business & marketing
Tips for ringing up holiday sales at your spa or massage practice

Tips for ringing up holiday sales at your spa or massage practice

As the season of “deck the halls” rapidly approaches, it should be all hands on deck when it comes to boosting your holiday sales. Now is a good time to get together with your team and put a plan in place to ring in holiday sales.
Business & marketing
The Price is Right - Part One: Three ways to know if you need a price increase

The Price is Right - Part One: Three ways to know if you need a price increase

Raising prices is one of the hardest business decisions most of us make. But when it comes to owning your own business, it’s one of the most important decisions for success.
Business & marketing
7 steps to be more optimistic about your spa or massage practice and life

7 steps to be more optimistic about your spa or massage practice and life

For some people, the glass is always half full. They never seem to worry too much feeling confident that things will just work out fine. If you aren’t a born optimist...
Business & marketing
Stay top of mind among spa and massage practice clients with email marketing

Stay top of mind among spa and massage practice clients with email marketing

Many of you may be actively working your social media networks – Facebook and Twitter in particular - in order to engage with your spa or massage practice clients and prospects. Social media has the advantages of immediacy...
Business & marketing
Learn how to sell your spa or massage practice services even if you don’t like selling

Learn how to sell your spa or massage practice services even if you don’t like selling

Mention sales or selling to some people and watch them cringe. Sales people get a bad rap, and in some cases, it’s justified. Nobody like a pushy sales person, especially when it’s clear the goal is meeting quota at the expense of your needs...
Business & marketing
Boost Your Business with Client Retention

Boost Your Business with Client Retention

Do you know how much it costs you to acquire a new client? The average cost can vary widely depending on the effectiveness of your marketing strategy. The acquisition cost calculation should include what you are spending on marketing programs such as...
Business & marketing
How to make the most of client feedback about your spa and massage practice

How to make the most of client feedback about your spa and massage practice

When clients move on, you can’t assume it’s because they are dissatisfied. There may be another reason behind their departure – a change in their personal life or work status or a health issues. However, if clients find fault with your service offering, you want to know about it...
Business & marketing
Why having the right tools matter to your spa or massage practice

Why having the right tools matter to your spa or massage practice

No matter what profession you are in, you want to have the best tools. Not only will the right equipment make you more effective, it will help ensure a better quality service offering for your clients...
Business & marketing
Get your clients talking about your spa or massage practice to boost marketing

Get your clients talking about your spa or massage practice to boost marketing

Who doesn’t like a compliment? I’m sure you appreciate hearing from clients how much they value the services and expertise of your spa or massage practice...
Business & marketing
How to boost gift card sales at your spa or massage practice

How to boost gift card sales at your spa or massage practice

If you are looking for a way to boost sales at your spa and massage practice, think about offering gift cards, if you don’t already. According to GiftCard.com, over $100 billion is spent on gift cards annually...
Business & marketing
Give your chair massage service a boost to gain more clients

Give your chair massage service a boost to gain more clients

Is your chair massage practice not quite living up your expectations? Maybe you expanded your spa or massage practice services to offer chair massage to introduce even more prospective clients...
Business & marketing