Share your Expertise to Build Relationships with Spa and Massage Practice Clients

Share your Expertise to Build Relationships with Spa and Massage Practice Clients

There’s a new study out about e-readers. A team from Harvard Medical School has found that they may damage your sleep because it takes longer to get to sleep reading with a back-lit e-reader. And we know poor sleep can affect your health...
Business & marketing
What it takes to be a Leader at your Spa or Massage Oractice

What it takes to be a Leader at your Spa or Massage Oractice

It’s one thing to be a manager; it’s another to be a leader. As the owner of your spa or massage practice, keeping your business on track requires good management skills. However, to grow your business
Business & marketing
Three ways to authentically connect with your clients

Three ways to authentically connect with your clients

You may not know this about me but for most of the 80's I was a corporate suit. And In business you learn early the value of networking. I am by nature shy and found large group meetings of strangers intimidating...
Business & marketing
Use Words in your Spa or Massage Practice Marketing Campaigns that are sure to Sell

Use Words in your Spa or Massage Practice Marketing Campaigns that are sure to Sell

If there ever was a time to make sure your spa or massage practice marketing message rise about the noise level, it’s now. With so many holiday special promotions, you want to be sure that marketing campaigns around your special holiday packages...
Business & marketing
Gain Clarity for your Personal Life and running your Spa and Massage Practice

Gain Clarity for your Personal Life and running your Spa and Massage Practice

Are you thinking about next year and wondering what direction to go? No matter how well things are going with your spa or massage practice and in your personal life; it’s natural – and healthy – to question if you are satisfied with the status quo...
Business & marketing
Six Tips to Get Ready for the Holidays at your Spa or Massage Practice

Six Tips to Get Ready for the Holidays at your Spa or Massage Practice

It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas – and Chanukah and Kwanzaa – everywhere you go. Is your spa or massage practice ready? There’s a host of things to do to take advantage of the sales opportunities presented by the holiday season...
Business & marketing
What is the Right Angle Fundamental?

What is the Right Angle Fundamental?

Some people are tall while others are short. Some are top-heavy others bottom heavy. So the way that individuals carry their weight is different even though they may weigh the same amount numerically...
Business & marketing
How to be Effective at Persuasion to Sell more at your Spa or Massage Practice

How to be Effective at Persuasion to Sell more at your Spa or Massage Practice

How do you view your sales skills and those of your spa or massage practice team? Do you consider yourself and your team effective at persuading clients to consider treatments or retail products...
Business & marketing
Full Sensory Client Gifts that Keep on Giving – Essential Client Retention Strategy

Full Sensory Client Gifts that Keep on Giving – Essential Client Retention Strategy

I’m a big proponent of client retention vs. new client recruitment. Successful client retention takes work and lots of connecting. Thankfully I enjoy such pursuits...
Business & marketing
Ring in the New Year with a Plan in Place for your Spa or Massage Practice

Ring in the New Year with a Plan in Place for your Spa or Massage Practice

In just a few weeks, it will be difficult to think about much more than holiday treatment promotions and special retail offerings for gift giving. Yet before you know it, you’ll be ringing in 2015 at your spa or massage practice; and to make sure it is as successful or even better than 2014, you need to plan now...
Business & marketing
Retail Products Extend the Value of your Wellness offering to Spa and Massage Therapy Clients

Retail Products Extend the Value of your Wellness offering to Spa and Massage Therapy Clients

How many of your spa and massage practice clients are on a journey to their wellness? Ten or more years ago, you might not have considered that question but today the public’s attitude about living a healthy lifestyle is growing globally...
Business & marketing
Are you Letting your Spa or Massage Practice Competitors Get Ahead?

Are you Letting your Spa or Massage Practice Competitors Get Ahead?

You’d never knowingly send your valued spa or massage practice clients to the competition. However, you may be helping your competition get ahead and not even realize it...
Business & marketing