Hosting your own wellness event

Hosting your own wellness event

Several months ago I mentioned that I needed to make some changes to freshen up my menu. Based on current trends and my client’s lifestyle, I decided to replace “Spa Parties” on my menu with “Wellness Soiree’s”...
Business & marketing
Tell your spa or marketing practice story with video

Tell your spa or marketing practice story with video

Today marketing is about telling stories that capture the attention and engage the interest of your audience in your brand. So what better way to tell your spa or massage practice story then with an entertaining video...
Business & marketing
Seven steps to successful negotiating for your spa or massage practice

Seven steps to successful negotiating for your spa or massage practice

There’s an old saying that “80 percent of life is just showing up.” I’d expand on that with – “and negotiating for something.” Unfortunately, many approach negotiating as a win/lose proposition...
Business & marketing
How to avoid product overuse at your spa or massage practice

How to avoid product overuse at your spa or massage practice

When looking to cut costs at your spa or massage practice, you’ll want to consider product usage. It is one area that is often overlooked, but it can make a significant difference in your profitability...
Business & marketing
Woman working on her business

How to price customized treatments at your spa or massage practice

Today’s spa and massage practice clients know more about the different types of massage and skin treatments than ever before. They also are results oriented and cost conscious, which means they want services that accommodate their unique needs and preference...
Business & marketing
Why you should embrace learning to grow your spa or massage practice

Why you should embrace learning to grow your spa or massage practice

Are you too tired from all the demands of running your spa or massage practice to crack the books at the end of the day? Is the cost of continuing education not a fit for you your budget right now?...
Business & marketing
Pre-book to boost bookings at your spa or massage practice

Pre-book to boost bookings at your spa or massage practice

Are you getting your clients to pre-book their next appointment before they walk out the door after a session? If not, you may be missing out business...
Business & marketing
Steps to take to avoid burnout at your spa or massage practice

Steps to take to avoid burnout at your spa or massage practice

No matter how much you love your work at your spa or massage practice, at some point you may experience burnout. Burnout isn’t just feeling stressed or overly tired...
Business & marketing
How to keep your spa or massage practice ahead when the competition drops prices

How to keep your spa or massage practice ahead when the competition drops prices

Are your competitors lowering their prices and you’re worried if you don’t do the same for your spa and massage practice service, you’ll lose clients? Before you change any of your prices, ask yourself if being the “low price” leader is really what...
Business & marketing
Six last-minute ideas to promote Mother’s Day at your spa or massage practice

Six last-minute ideas to promote Mother’s Day at your spa or massage practice

Mother’s Day is a boon to retailers so why shouldn’t it be the same for your spa or massage practice? The National Retail Federation reports that consumers spent nearly $20 billion on flowers, cards, jewelry and more last year...
Business & marketing
Why an attractive window display matters to your spa or massage practice

Why an attractive window display matters to your spa or massage practice

Any realtor will tell you about the importance of curb appeal if you are selling your home. The same goes for your spa or massage practice. When it comes to creating an impression about your business; your window display matters...
Business & marketing
Get to know your clients better for their sake and to grow your spa or massage practice

Get to know your clients better for their sake and to grow your spa or massage practice

How well do you know your spa or massage practice customers? As a matter of course, your first session involves getting information on a new client’s problems and needs and finding out about preferences for product ingredients –
Business & marketing