massage treatment of hot stone

Mixing it up in the treatment room

My last blog I talked about spring cleaning your practice.  Just to prove I practice what I preach I’m sharing a few of the ways I’ve been rotating the tool box this month.

Business & marketingMassage therapySpa therapyTreatment ideas
Loyal spa and massage clients matter to your spa and massage marketing. So create them!

Loyal spa and massage clients matter to your spa and massage marketing. So create them!

Are you more focused on bringing new clients through the door of your spa or massage practice than strengthening relationships with current ones? It’s a question you want to ask yourself

Business & marketingMassage therapyRetailSpa therapy
Don’t settle. Earn what you are worth at your spa or massage practice

Don’t settle. Earn what you are worth at your spa or massage practice

When setting prices for your spa and massage practice services, do you find it difficult to ask for what you really want? This is often true, especially when business owners are starting out...

Business & marketingMassage therapySpa therapy
Brand consistency: Reinforce your brand across spa and massage practice client touchpoints

Brand consistency: Reinforce your brand across spa and massage practice client touchpoints

Do your clients think about your spa or massage practice the way you want them to? You may consider that your business is extremely professional and customer driven and yet online reviews...
Business & marketingMassage therapySpa therapy
Six steps to improve leadership skills at your spa or massage practice

Six steps to improve leadership skills at your spa or massage practice

You can’t do it all. By now as the owner or director of your spa or massage practice, you’ve probably realized that. There’s far more that goes into the success of your business than professional expertise.
Business & marketingMassage therapySpa therapy
How effective listening can affect success at your spa or massage practice

How effective listening can affect success at your spa or massage practice

“Can you hear me now?” Verizon posed that question about mobile networks in its popular advertising campaign that ran for nine years starting in 2002. While mobile technology has improved considerably...

Business & marketingMassage therapySpa therapy
Ten Ways to Spring Clean Your Practice

Ten Ways to Spring Clean Your Practice

New Years is about goal setting but spring is about clearing the decks of clutter. And by clutter I am referring to the mental, physical, and business variety.
Business & marketingMassage therapySpa therapy
Why you need to learn how to say no in running your spa or massage practice

Why you need to learn how to say no in running your spa or massage practice

Learn how to say no. That’s one of my points in my recent post on “7 tips to be more productive at your spa or massage practice.”  I wanted to pursue the topic further since saying no is a problem for many,

Business & marketingMassage therapySpa therapy
7 tips to be more productive at your spa or massage practice

7 tips to be more productive at your spa or massage practice

Do you feel that there at not enough hours in the day to get everything done? It’s not surprising if you do since your plate is probably overflowing with things you need to do to keep your spa or massage practice humming.
Business & marketingMassage therapySpa therapy
Why self-discovery is important to you and the growth of your spa or massage practice

Why self-discovery is important to you and the growth of your spa or massage practice

Do you really know who you are and what you want from life? Self-discovery is important to your personal fulfillment. “In Questions to Spark Self-Discovery,” Margarita Tartakovsky, associate editor at Psyc...

Business & marketingMassage therapySpa therapy
Massage as a Pain Management Strategy

Massage as a Pain Management Strategy

According to the Medical Expenditure Panel Survey there are 100 million individuals over the age of 18 living with chronic pain in the United States! The 2008 survey included individuals who reported...

Business & marketingMassage therapy
Selling to seniors: How to market your spa and massage practice services to older Americans

Selling to seniors: How to market your spa and massage practice services to older Americans

Among your clientele, how many are seniors?  According to the American Massage Therapy Association (AMTA), many older adults are finding massage therapy is a way to improve quality of life and provide relief from health issues.

Business & marketingMassage therapySpa therapy