The Return of Investment on Advice

The Return of Investment on Advice

Cultivating an advisory board should be a top priority for anyone who plans on succeeding at business. It's only natural that my advisory team is comprised of my clients. If I listen carefully and pay attention they will let me know all I need to about the everyday things like what music to play, what complexes to blend, what massage mediums are worth stocking and what services to offer. They even influence how I invest back into my practice...
Business & marketing
Going Green Can be a Powerful Marketing Message

Going Green Can be a Powerful Marketing Message

Our recent celebration of Earth Day is an important reminder to be good stewards of the earth. As business owners, I believe it's our corporate responsibility to do our part to conserve natural resources and protect the environment...
Business & marketingCommunity
Fascia: The Big Picture

Fascia: The Big Picture

Have you ever looked at a stippling painting? You know the ones that are made up of 1000s of little dots? When you are up close all you see is dots, but when you take a few steps back a clear image manifests itself. Well, I think of learning in much the same way. As a student I am taught sections of information, yet it isn't until I put them all together that I can see the whole picture...
AnnouncementsMassage therapy
Take Five or Ten between Clients to keep Focused and Energized

Take Five or Ten between Clients to keep Focused and Energized

So many people walk around with coffee in hand these days, I have to wonder if the traditional coffee break is a thing of the past. Actually, coffee breaks, as I learned through a search on Google, emerged in the early 20th century when they were part of an overall movement to reform what was then a pretty grim American work place...
Business & marketing
Cultivating Trust in Client Relationships

Cultivating Trust in Client Relationships

At the recent New York Spa Show we had a great dialogue during our class on "Designing Your Dream Practice". One of the main topics of interest was how to attract and cultivate your ideal clients. I always emphasize the first step is to discern who those clients are, and then learning all you can about them including their needs and goals. The second thing is to deliver exemplarily customer service and build trust. Simply put "Undersell and Over deliver."...
Business & marketingSpa therapy
Hope is Not a Business Plan

Hope is Not a Business Plan

Who doesn't want your business to grow? Even if things are going well, it's good business to do what it takes to make the next year even better. Complacency doesn't work well in the business world. As we've learned these past few years, a sudden downturn in the market might be just around the corner. It doesn't take much to be on top of the world one day and feel that it's crashing down around you the next...
Business & marketing
Practice Makes Perfect

Practice Makes Perfect

"As a student, do you believe you can learn a hands on technique online?" This question was asked last week in an online blog I was reading. I can't say that I was surprised to find that the answer from the discussion participants was an overwhelmingly large "NO"! I can, however say, I disagree...
Massage therapy
Build a Partnership in Client Wellness with Products that Heal

Build a Partnership in Client Wellness with Products that Heal

You can imagine how proud we were when Team Type 1 - a remarkable group of cyclists who ride to create awareness for diabetes fitness -- approached us to be one of their sponsors last year. We were more than happy to meet their request for donations of Dual-Purpose Massage Creme to use in massage therapy for the team. We continue our sponsorship this year and have expanded donations to include Muscle & Joint Relief Therapeutic Massage Creme and Polar Lotion, our other popular sore muscle and pain relief products...
Mixing Business with Pleasure

Mixing Business with Pleasure

I often talk about the reward of getting to the point in your career when you can begin to choose whom you want to spend your time with and offering the services you prefer to perform. This has been one of my primary business goals from the moment I decided to enter into this profession...
AnnouncementsBusiness & marketing
It's Always Time for Change

It's Always Time for Change

We couldn't let a new year get underway without introducing a new line of products. Our newest offering is Healthy Benefits, an anti-oxidant rich line of massage products. Healthy Benefits, which includes Oil-Free Face Massage Creme, Massage Creme and Massage Gel, are rich in the Pomegranate, Green tea, White Grape and Grapeseed active botanicals...
Massage therapyTreatment ideas
Invisible to the Eye

Invisible to the Eye

It is February and everywhere I look I see roses, cards and chocolate hearts. Although, as a therapist, I like the increase in gift certificate sales. I can't help but notice that Valentine's Day has, at least partially, become an over commercialized remnant of what once was. Ironically enough, just as commercialism might have tainted Valentine's Day a bit, scientific reductionism has done the same to our view of the heart itself...
For Fast-Acting Relief, Try Slowing Down - Lily Tomlin

For Fast-Acting Relief, Try Slowing Down - Lily Tomlin

I for one agree with Lily Tomlin. Sometimes it seems like we're going 75 MPH and still trying to catch up. Instead of accelerating, we need to apply the brakes. After all isn't that what our business is all about? The massage industry has been growing for years because people need a time and place to wind down, relax and ease their tension...
Massage therapy