Self Discovery is the Beginning of a Life Long Love Affair

Valentines is soon upon us and its a great time for Gift Certificate Promotions and Couples Massage specials. This year, I am choosing Valentines to launch a yearlong campaign that matches my own journey - self discovery. My "You deserve it" campaign includes posting daily quotes, tasting bars and incentives to explore way to enjoy your own company...
Treatment ideas
Practice What You Preach About Self Care

Practice What You Preach About Self Care

I don't have to tell you the massage therapy profession is physically demanding. I expect many of you know one or more massage therapists who had to leave the profession because they developed carpal tunnel, or other repetitive strain injuries. The profession can be emotionally draining as well. Your clients depend on you to be part of their own wellness support system...
Massage therapy
Peace to the World, One Breath at a Time

Peace to the World, One Breath at a Time

The other day when I asked my 4 year old daughter what she learned at school that day she replied, "We learned about Martin Luther King Jr. and peace. Mommy, peace is when you love each other." Later, I found myself reflecting on this definition of peace. Is it really so simple? All we have to do is love each other?...
Massage therapyTreatment ideas
Sub-par Products Won't Save You Money in the Long Run

Sub-par Products Won't Save You Money in the Long Run

Who doesn't want to save money to boost profits? The recession has made all of us more careful about the dollars we spend to run and promote our business. But if there is one area where you don't want to cut corners it's on the products you use...
Business & marketingMassage therapy
woman running for wellness

Bring the Joy of Spa to Your Treatment Room

My professional mantra has evolved overtime to include being calm, strong, grateful, and present. This year I am adding joyful. You might thinks this is an old professional focus. But trust me, after over 20 years in the business I find it extremely important, if for nothing else, to prevent burn out...
Massage therapy
Ambiance: Creating Signature Looks for Lasting Impressions

Ambiance: Creating Signature Looks for Lasting Impressions

What does your establishment say to your clients when they walk through the door? Is the ambiance inviting and relaxing or does it in some way increase the tension already stressed clients may be feeling?...
Spa therapy
4 Rules to Building Revenue with Retail

4 Rules to Building Revenue with Retail

It seems every year around this time I find myself busy with the idea of Holiday promotions. People are out buying for the ones they love, and I have, what I consider to be, a valuable service to offer...
Business & marketingRetail
Giving Back Through the Senses

Giving Back Through the Senses

This is the season of giving and what better time than now to evaluate how we give back daily. In doing so I realized that my most consistent gift hands down is aromatherapy. Which is kind of surprising since I am not an aroma therapist, I am a restorative massage therapist who uses essential oils as a modality to support wellness...
CommunityTreatment ideas
Your Best New Business May be Your Current Customers

Your Best New Business May be Your Current Customers

Do you know the 80-20 rule? It maintains that 80 percent of your business comes from 20 percent of your customers. That might be high for your practice, but bottom line, the rule suggested that among a key group of customers, there is opportunity to up sell spa services and products...
Business & marketingSpa therapyTreatment ideas
The Healing Power of Gratitude

The Healing Power of Gratitude

I was sitting on my couch the other day feeling overwhelmed by my to-do list. My 4 year old was running circles around me, the dishes and laundry sat waiting for me to motivate. I looked down at my feet and noticed I was unconsciously doing ankle rotations...
What Clients Want in Customized Treatments

What Clients Want in Customized Treatments

Following our series on ISPA trends we are now going to explore customizing. I've combined this trend with a recent consumer survey that indicates that menus need to become simpler...
Spa therapyTreatment ideas
Saying Thanks by Giving Back to the Community

Saying Thanks by Giving Back to the Community

Before we know it, we will gather with family and friends around the table during our time honored Thanksgiving celebration to give thanks for our blessings and rewards. What giving thanks means to me, however, is more than just taking time out to think about the many ways I've been fortunate in my life...