Five Ways to Keep up Morale at your Spa or Massage Practice

Five Ways to Keep up Morale at your Spa or Massage Practice

Good management at your spa or massage practice comes from the top down. It works just the opposite, too. I can tell when I walk into an office or place a call to a company and get a cool response that the morale is low; and I trace it right to the head of the organization. While it’s unfortunate for the employees to work in an unpleasant environment, it’s bad for business as well...
Business & marketing
Six Ways to Maintain a Positive Attitude about your Spa or Massage Practice

Six Ways to Maintain a Positive Attitude about your Spa or Massage Practice

Let’s face it. There are days when getting an email with a smiling face in it makes you want to go for the delete key. Everyone has days when, it’s hard to be positive and enthusiastic about anything. Hopefully those days are few and far between...
Business & marketing
Treat your spa and massage practice clients to a taste of the tropics with Mango Butter

Treat your spa and massage practice clients to a taste of the tropics with Mango Butter

After much needed rain in California, our weather here is lovely. I hope yours is as well wherever you are across the country. The soft spring breezes conjure up images of the tropics for me, and I expect some of your spa and massage practice clients are experiencing the same thing....
Treatment ideas
To Spa or not To Spa – April Spa Week may help make the decision

To Spa or not To Spa – April Spa Week may help make the decision

The official date of the 10th Annual National Spring Spa Week is April 21–27. According to, Spa Week is a bi-annual event focused on the personal health and wellness of consumers...
Treatment ideas
How to Make your Spa or Massage Business Stand out from the crowd

How to Make your Spa or Massage Business Stand out from the crowd

As the owner of a spa or massage business, I don’t have to tell you that you are in a highly competitive market. News spas and massage centers open up all the time. Keeping current clients should always be a higher priority...
Business & marketing
Five Tips to Expand your Massage Practice with Chair Massage:

Five Tips to Expand your Massage Practice with Chair Massage:

As much as massage has become part of the mainstream, there are still many consumers who shy away from the experience -- no matter how much their aching muscles and joints would benefit from the experience. Chair massage is a good way to introduce potential clients to your practice...
Business & marketing
Reach your Spa or Massage Practice Clients through Local Publicity

Reach your Spa or Massage Practice Clients through Local Publicity

Today if you relay news to clients about your spa or massage practice, you can post something on Facebook or send out a Tweet and even get an instant response. Social media makes it possible to conveniently keep up an ongoing conversation with your clients...
Business & marketing
Communicating with Intent

Communicating with Intent

The definition of communication can be very simple. It is an exchange of information (such as thoughts, feelings, needs, perceptions and knowledge) between at least two living beings. If only the act of communicating was as straight forward...
Massage therapy
Why Daydreaming Can Actually Be Good For Your Spa or Massage Practice

Why Daydreaming Can Actually Be Good For Your Spa or Massage Practice

Dreaming of walking along a beautiful beach next to a turquoise blue ocean with the sun beaming down – while you are at work, that is. Don’t worry if daydreaming periodically takes you away from some of the more routine aspects of running your massage practice or spa...
Massage therapy
Direct more Spa and Massage Clients to your door with Videos

Direct more Spa and Massage Clients to your door with Videos

If a picture is worth a thousand words, think how much powerful a video is, especially when it comes to marketing your massage or spa services. The latest statistics from YouTube indicate...
Business & marketing
Make Bergamot Oil an Essential Ingredient to Help Clients Relax at your Spa and Massage Practice

Make Bergamot Oil an Essential Ingredient to Help Clients Relax at your Spa and Massage Practice

Among tea lovers, Bergamot Oil is synonymous with Earl Gray. The popular tea derives its unique spicy, floral aroma from the rind of the Bergamot, a fragrant citrus fruit the size of an orange but the color of a lemon...
Massage therapy
To oil cleanse or not to oil cleanse?

To oil cleanse or not to oil cleanse?

I was preparing to teach an Aromasensory scalp and face massage this month when I realized, as an outcome based therapist, I do not always get to perform facial and scalp massage as often as I would like. Just between you and me, I am planning to change that this year...
Treatment ideas