How to Keep Spa and Massage Clients on your Side

How to Keep Spa and Massage Clients on your Side

How many of your spa or massage practice customers do you consider loyal? In “Customer Loyalty What it is, Why it Matters and How to Activate it,” Donovan Dillon asserts that customer loyalty is more than just someone’s preference for dealing with one business over another...
Business & marketing
What makes almond oil essential for your spa or massage practice

What makes almond oil essential for your spa or massage practice

Are almonds misunderstood? They may very well be. As far as I can tell, most people think of them as nuts, but in fact they are a fruit – that is, they are the seed of a fruit that grows on almond trees. One thing is not misunderstood...
Treatment ideas
User Generated Content Strengthens your Engagement with Spa and Massage Practice Clients

User Generated Content Strengthens your Engagement with Spa and Massage Practice Clients

It can be challenging to come up with a steady stream of content for the social marketing channels you maintain for your spa or massage practice. But the good news is that you don’t have to create all that content on your own...
Business & marketing
Good or Great - Look at the Details

Good or Great - Look at the Details

The difference between a good massage and a GREAT massage often lies in tiny details that the therapist may not even know exist. Maybe they weren’t taught to stretch to the soft end feel or to take a massage stroke all the way to the end of the limb...
Business & marketing

How to Create a stress-free Environment at your Spa or Massage Practice

While we may live in a world made increasingly convenient by technology, that doesn’t make day-to-day living any less free from stress. Today, everyone feels stressed it seems and it’s having its effect on getting the job done...
Business & marketing
Are you Undermining your own Success at your Spa or Massage Practice?

Are you Undermining your own Success at your Spa or Massage Practice?

It is ironic that many people who run their own businesses, including owners of a spa or a massage practice, have as much fear of success as they do of failure. Fear of failure is understandable. It’s daunting to start your own venture, whatever it is...
Business & marketing
Could your Attitude be driving away Spa or Massage Practice Clients?

Could your Attitude be driving away Spa or Massage Practice Clients?

You may not realize it, but your attitude may be driving away your spa or massage practice clients. Even if you are providing outstanding professional service, your clients may be put off if they find you difficult to deal or you start to take them for granted...
Business & marketing
Five Things Every Massage Therapist Should Check

Five Things Every Massage Therapist Should Check

Evaluate your professional development. I just got back from the World Massage Festival and as usual I am humbled by the generosity of practitioners who have focused on and mastered an approach...
Treatment ideas
Be Authentic in your Spa or Massage Practice to Stand out from the Competition

Be Authentic in your Spa or Massage Practice to Stand out from the Competition

Do you ever think about why your clients come back to your spa or massage practice year after year? No doubt they are satisfied with your offering; but are your services and products all that all that drives them through your door...
Business & marketing
Feeling Burned Out at your Spa or Massage Business? It’s Time to Take Action.

Feeling Burned Out at your Spa or Massage Business? It’s Time to Take Action.

Do little things make you angry? Do you find you are making even the simplest of mistakes at your spa or massage practice? Are you having trouble sleeping or eating too much? These are just some of the symptoms of burnout...
Business & marketing
Don’t let Excuses Hold Back your Spa or Massage Practice from getting Ahead

Don’t let Excuses Hold Back your Spa or Massage Practice from getting Ahead

We all make excuses in our personal lives and when it comes to running your spa or massage practice. Sometimes they are legitimate. Maybe you REALLY did forget to call someone when you said you would...
Business & marketing
Adventures in Massage Therapy Available: Apply Now!

Adventures in Massage Therapy Available: Apply Now!

Have you ever wanted to pack up and move to Costa Rica, Alaska or some other far off place for the summer? Many adventures await massage therapists itching to explore the world!...
Business & marketing