Follow your heart but take your head with you – 6 ways to accomplish Informed Touch

Follow your heart but take your head with you – 6 ways to accomplish Informed Touch

When I attend a professional conference I generally go to acquire new skills to add to my toolbox. At this year’s AMTA convention I chose to invest in learning about what I need to seriously access before performing those skills...
Treatment ideas
How good deeds are contagious and what it means to your spa or massage practice

How good deeds are contagious and what it means to your spa or massage practice

Do you consider your contribution to the community as the owner of a spa or massage practice begins and ends with providing a quality service or do you feel an obligation to make a difference beyond that. If you answered yes, you are like a growing number of businesses...
Business & marketing
Setting and communicating prices at your spa or massage practice

Setting and communicating prices at your spa or massage practice

Do you struggle to come up with pricing for your services? Especially when you are starting out at your spa or massage practice, pricing can be a struggle.
Business & marketing
How to turn around a difficult situation at your Spa or Massage Practice

How to turn around a difficult situation at your Spa or Massage Practice

“A successful business owner isn’t one who never has a downturn; it’s one who when faced with a bad or difficult situation knows how to turn it around.” These words, which I’ve never forgotten, are from someone I knew through business many years ago...
Business & marketing
Why You Should Calculate Client Value for your Spa or Massage Practice

Why You Should Calculate Client Value for your Spa or Massage Practice

It doesn’t take long to realize that not all clients are created equal. Some clients will be of more value to you over the years because they have confidence in your professionalism and as a result employ a range of services and purchase your retail offerings...
Business & marketing
Get your spa and massage practice clients ready for the cold with cocoa-butter

Get your spa and massage practice clients ready for the cold with cocoa-butter

While the change in temperature affects what we put over our bodies to keep warm, it also changes the types of treatments and products you use on clients at your spa and massage practice to keep moisture in. If there’s one moisturizing ingredient sure to please; it’s cocoa butter...
Treatment ideas
Partnering with a Chiropractor can Help Build your Massage Clientele

Partnering with a Chiropractor can Help Build your Massage Clientele

Getting new clients is an ongoing effort when you own your spa or massage practice. One way to extend your marketing reach is to partner with other professionals to offer complementary services...
Business & marketing
Fire and Ice: Utilizing Thermal Therapies in Your Practice

Fire and Ice: Utilizing Thermal Therapies in Your Practice

Many massage therapy practices and spas offer a variety of hydrotherapy or thermal therapy options. The most utilized techniques include warm water baths, saunas, body wraps, steam baths, hot packs, and hot stone massage...
Treatment ideas
Is it time to Tune-up your Spa or Massage Practice Marketing?

Is it time to Tune-up your Spa or Massage Practice Marketing?

Even with new clients coming in the door, it’s a good idea to periodically review your marketing activities to make sure things are on track and stay that way. The market changes all the time and you don’t want to be blindsided by increased competition...
Business & marketing
How Clients Engage with your Spa or Massage Practice on Facebook

How Clients Engage with your Spa or Massage Practice on Facebook

Not yet on Facebook? Your spa or massage practice may be missing out on business if you aren’t. G/O Digital, a marketing solution for small business, recently conducted a survey of 1000 consumers age 18-29 in which 62 percent of the respondents said...
Business & marketing
Make Sure you have the Right Retail Mix at your Spa or Massage Practice

Make Sure you have the Right Retail Mix at your Spa or Massage Practice

Are you wondering why retail sales at your spa or massage practice aren’t doing better. Even with an ambitious marketing campaign and attractive visual merchandising, your retail sales may fall short if you are not carrying products your clients want for at-home use...
Business & marketing
Confessions of a Master Massage Therapist

Confessions of a Master Massage Therapist

We do not always do as we teach, sometimes we take short cuts. There it is, it’s off my chest and I feel so much better now. For example, as much as I love nurturing my clients, sometimes my day is overbooked and I become hyper focused on the client’s immediate treatment goals...
Business & marketing