pecans being picked


When they say good things come in small packages, they must have had the pecan in mind as one of the most popular and beneficial nuts; pecans are considered heart-friendly because of their effectiveness in lowering cholesterol levels. They also are antioxidant-rich – in fact, they contain more antioxidants than any other nut -- which helps prevent the formation of plaque that leads to hardening of the arteries.


Pecans aren’t only good for your health; they are chock full of skin-healthy nutrients such as zinc, vitamins E and A, folate, and phosphorus. Pecan oil is particularly beneficial for dry skin because it rehydrates the skin. It’s also considered one of the best oils to use on mature skin because it also plumps up the skin making wrinkles less noticeable.


With so much to offer, we’ve included pecan oil in several of our massage products to enhance their moisturizing qualities. You’ll find pecan oil in BIOTONE Herbal Select Body Therapy Massage Creme, Oil and Lotion, and Revitalizing Massage Oil.


Treat your clients to the benefits of pecan oil with Deep Sea Detoxify Me treatment

Stimulate and soften skin with therapeutic salts from the Dead Sea, improve texture with Black Baltic Body Mud containing organic freshwater silts. A massage with light, silky, botanical filled Herbal Select Massage Creme leaves skin feeling smooth and intensely moisturized.


  • Exfoliate-Sea Salt Glow ------------------------------------------ (2 oz)
  • Black Baltic Body Mud --------------------------------------- (4 oz)
  • Detoxifying Customizing Complex ----------------------- (60 drops)
  • Herbal Select Body Therapy Massage Creme -------- (1 oz)


  • 3 Rubber spa bowls
  • 9 Warm, moist hand towels
  • 1 Plastic wrap
  1. Mix Exfoli-Sea Salt Glow with 30 drops of Detoxifying Customizing Complex in a rubber bowl.
  2. Black Baltic Body Mud with 30 drops of Detoxifying Customizing Complex in a rubber bowl.
  3. Apply an exfoliation treatment with Exfoli-Sea Salt Glow.*
  4. Apply Black Baltic Body Mud in an even layer to each part of the body*, while quickly covering each area with plastic wrap. Cover the client with a towel to keep warm.
  5. While standing at the table's head, pull up all layers of sheets, thermal wrap, and blanket, cocooning the client.
  6. Allow the client to rest for 15-20 min. This is an ideal time to incorporate an add-on face or foot massage.
  7. Remove plastic wrap, removing as much mud as possible with the wrap. Remove remaining mud with warm, moist towels. Be sure to cover exposed damp skin with a bath towel.
  8. Perform a finishing treatment with Herbal Select Body Therapy Massage Creme.

*Follow protocols in BIOTONE Spa Brochure

Treatment ideas