If you are looking for another avenue to boost your massage therapy clients, think about reaching out to chiropractors for partnership. There is a real synergy between massage and chiropractic care. Since massage alleviates muscle tension, chiropractic adjustments may be performed more easily and successfully when the body is more relaxed. As a result, many chiropractors may want to add a massage treatment right before they work on a client. They also may suggest massage therapy treatments in between chiropractic sessions. Similarly, you may have clients who are good candidates for manipulating the musculoskeletal system performed by chiropractors and can be a source of referrals.
If you don’t already have a chiropractor in mind who you think would be a good partnership candidate, you’ll need to spend time researching some. Try asking some of your own clients for names of chiropractors they currently are seeing or have in the past.
Social networking also can open the door to candidates. For example, join LinkedIn in groups geared to chiropractors and physical therapists and groups for massage therapists. Engage with group members by throwing out a question about chiropractic services. If you like the response from someone located in your area, you can message them privately to learn more about what they offer. From there, suggest coffee or lunch where you can begin to explore partnership opportunities for referrals or working together on site. Even if you aren’t interested in discussing partnership opportunities, or if they are not in the right geography, they may be able to refer you to others.
Rules of engagement that win
Collaborate on treatments
Whether you work out of the chiropractor’s office or see their clients in your own establishment, always show respect for your partner’s professionalism. You never want to undermine a chiropractor’s treatments by questioning their protocol, especially when talking to the client. If you have questions about the treatment a client is getting, talk directly to the chiropractor.
Create a similar customer experience
Even if you aren’t working out of the same offices, your clients should expect a similar experience from you and your partner. You may want to talk about retail products available at each practice, advice for at-home self-care, use of technology for appointment scheduling, etc. You don’t want to create a situation where clients complain to you about visiting your chiropractor partner and vice versa.
Share client information
If you get a chiropractor referral, let them know how things are going with their client. Provide a progress report so that your partner can be in the loop on how their patient is doing in your care. Quite possibly, they will want to add the information to the files they keep on clients.
Make it win/win
The partnership's goal is to help build each other’s practice, so whatever you do, you’ll want to maintain the highest level of professionalism in your practice and when talking about your partner. You never want to get in the middle when talking with one of your clients about the chiropractic services they are getting. If you have any concerns, address your partner directly.
There are a lot of pluses to partnerships. Find someone who shares your values and commitment to excellence, and you and your clients will win.