Is the color of your spa or massage practice brand sending the right message?

The color of your spa or massage practice says a lot about your brand. Over the years, there have been many theories and observations about the impact of color on marketing. In his article “The Psychology of Color in Marketing and Branding,” marketing strategist Gregory Ciotti asserts that it is difficult to ascribe a certain emotion to a particular color because “…elements such as personal preference, experiences, upbringing, cultural differences, context, etc., often muddy the effect individual colors have on us.” 

While personal experience affects our response to color, research conducted at the University of Winnipeg found that color influences purchase decision-making.  University researchers determined that people make up their minds about other people and products pretty quickly – within 90 seconds -- and that “about 62‐90 percent of the assessment is based on colors alone.” They concluded that colors could help differentiate products from competitors and influence moods and feelings positively or negatively, which affects a person’s attitude toward a product. In short, colors impact a brand’s personality.

In addressing the importance of color in marketing, Kissmetrics, the analytics firm, says that consumers place visual appearance at 93% above other factors, such as texture at 6% and sound and smell at 1% when making a purchase decision.  When it comes to color specifically, 85% of shoppers place it as the primary reason they buy a particular product. When it comes to branding, color increases brand recognition by 80%.


Pick the right palette.

Considering the importance of brand recognition to consumer confidence, you want to be sure the colors you choose for your logo and other marketing materials resonate with your targets. Mashable offers some tips about how to come up with a company color scheme. 


Know your audience

A young professional woman just starting her career might react differently to color than a 60 something grandmother. Also, choose colors that mat

ch the positioning of your spa or massage practice to reflect the types of skincare treatments or massage therapies you offer.


Follow the 60-30-10 rule

Designers often use the 60-30-10 rule to get a professional look. It suggests that you choose three different colors and use them in the ratio of 60%, 30%, and 10%.


Analyze the competition

Look at other spa or massage practices that you consider competitive. Decide if you want your brand to be similar or different to stand out.


Go past mood to personality

Make sure the colors you choose complement the mood and personality of your brand. Vibrant and warm colors can convey friendly and energetic while a colder and bold color combination sends a more professional message.

The bottom is that color counts. Whether you are just starting now or are thinking about a rebranding effort, put in the time and effort to come up with just the right colors for your brand that makes your spa or massage practice stand out and resonate with clients.

Business & marketingMassage therapySpa therapy