Who is your target market?

Who is your target market?

Can you think of someone who wouldn’t benefit from massage therapy? Whether seeking relief from pain or stress, most would find a massage helpful. However, if the universal appeal

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Man with Cream

Five Reasons to use a CBD Cream

Even with all the consumer enthusiasm over cannabidiol (CBD), there are many who still don’t understand exactly how this active ingredient in the cannabis plant provides relief

Teach your clients self-awareness

Teach your clients self-awareness

Being an active participant in your client’s wellness extends beyond the treatments you offer. Whether clients are seeking pain relief from an injury...
CommunityRetailTreatment ideas
man smiling showing a picture of himself smiling

Looking for a natural mood booster? Try CBD

While it’s not a cure-all for everything, research continues to indicate that Cannabidiol (CBD) can help in the treatment of an array of health and wellness issues. To understand why, you first need to know exactly what is CBD.

Massage Therapist holding pumpkin and pumpkin oil for treatment

Refresh your menu with new Fall menu ideas

In some areas of the country, the weather is still warm so the first day of Fall didn’t have much more significance than another day on the calendar. But nevertheless, it’s official. The Fall season is here. For many of your massage therapy clients, a Fall massage, in addition to aiding relaxation and/or relieving...

Business & marketingMassage therapyRetailSpa therapyTreatment ideas
Good Gut Health

Good Gut Health: How CBD Can Help

Who hasn’t had a “gut feeling?” You know that instinct or intuition you get about something or someone without any facts or even logical reasoning to support it.  The belief that your gut or digestive system is where your emotions are derived has been around since biblical times.  The notion probably came from the fact...

woman getting better nights sleep with CBD

Get a Better night’s sleep with these 5 tips

It’s the middle of the night and you’re still not asleep. Sound familiar? For many Americans, failure to get sufficient and quality shuteye is a chronic problem. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) did a healthy sleep study and found that more than one third of American adults do not get the recommended

Massage therapySpa therapyTreatment ideas
Is CBD Oil Addictive

Is CBD Oil Addictive and Answers to Other Common CBD Questions

Is CBD addictive? It’s a common question asked about CBD oil. The answer is no and here is what you need to know about what is CBD oil and why it’s not addictive.  CBD is one of the most abundant cannabinoids found in Cannabis sativa, a flowering plant, of which industrial hemp and marijuana are two varieties...

Sales woman standing in retail lobby

Retail benefits remain strong even as the “shopping experience” evolves

It’s no secret that retail sales can add to your bottom line, ranging anywhere from five to 30 percent of your revenue. [1] However, retail shopping is undergoing a dramatic disruption because of the pandemic.  Many retailers first had to cope with business closures. Now re-opened, new...

Business & marketingMassage therapyRetailSpa therapy
woman using cbd products

Do Your Homework When Shopping for CBD: Five Things to Know

New to CBD? While there’s a lot of enthusiasm over the health and wellness benefits of this plant ingredient from industrial hemp, you still should do your homework before choosing a product, whether you prefer in-store purchasing or online shopping. There are a number of things

massage profession education

Presenting BIOTONE's EDU-TALK Series

Education to advance massage therapy has always been one of the pillars of BIOTONE’s corporate philosophy. Over the years, we’ve worked closely with massage therapy schools through our BIOTONE Edu-Partner program to help schools raise their visibility among future students and...

Business & marketingCommunityMassage therapyRetailSpa therapyTreatment ideas
man meditating in grass

Can CBD Enhance Your Meditation Practice?

 With so much going on around us, getting away from it all sounds very appealing. However, getting away may not be possible owing to demands of work, family and in some cases restrictions on travel because of the pandemic. 

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