Increase Your Energy With CBD


When it comes to a natural remedy for a range of health and wellness issues, you don’t need to look much further than CBD. The ingredient has become the go-to solution for a growing number of consumers seeking relief from joint and muscle pain, inflammation, anxiety, and stress, to name a few conditions.  And here’s something else to consider about the versatility of CBD.  It can both help to promote sleep and yet may also help increase energy and focus. That may sound like a contradiction, but it actually makes sense on closer examination.


To begin with, a good night’s sleep boosts energy. CBD is one of the over 60 cannabinoids or naturally occurring chemicals found in industrial hemp and marijuana that interact with natural receptors in the brain and body to regulate sleep and appetite, mood, immune function and pain, and many more functions. These cannabinoids work with the body’s own endocannabinoid system (ECS), a vital molecular system made up or of neurotransmitters that send chemical messages between neurons, which are the cells that transmit nerve impulses.



Some research on CBD and sleep indicates that CBD may interact with specific ECS receptors to affect the sleep/wake cycle potentially.  Furthermore, by reducing the symptoms of pain and anxiety, should you have any, CBD may also contribute to a more restful sleep.


CBD may help boost your mood, and when you are feeling upbeat, you have more energy. While it’s common for your mood to fluctuate throughout the day, when anxiety, stress, and depression become extreme or chronic, they impact your ability to function. The benefit of CBD for anxiety and other mood disorders is attributed to several of its qualities, including its impact on relieving pain and aiding sleep, both of which can contribute to changes in mood.


More Ways CBD Increases Energy


Besides helping to promote quality sleep and alleviating pain and anxiety, which can cause mood changes, research indicates other ways that CBD may help increase energy. CBD also may help you feel energized by activating certain areas of the brain. One study found that CBD modulates waking via activation of waking-related brain areas such as the hypothalamus and dorsal raphe nucleus. Both regions are involved in the generation of alertness. Also, CBD increases dopamine (reward stimulus) levels.[1]  Effects of high dopamine levels include improved ability to focus and learn. [2]



Also, other research suggests that CBD may increase activity by boosting metabolic processes. Slow metabolism is often associated with low stamina.  Research finds that in addition to modulating rewarding properties of food by acting on specific areas in the brain, the ECS was recently shown to control several metabolic functions by acting on peripheral tissues such as adipocytes (cells for storing fat), hepatocytes (cells in the liver that control a range of synthetic and metabolic functions), the gastrointestinal tract, the skeletal muscles, and the endocrine pancreas.[3]


Boost Energy with Lab+Blends CBD Products


Among the Lab+Blends products to consider for boosting energy is Lab+Blends Daily Dose CBD Total Wellness Drops. It absorbs quickly to help you regain optimum functioning and increase your energy for a healthier and more enjoyable life.


If your energy is sapped from pain, Lab+Blends has a range of pain-relieving products, including Lab+Blends On-Target Pain Relief Lotion, Triple Recovery Pain Relief Gel, and Maximum Strength Pain Relief Cream.  And if lack of or poor quality sleep is keeping you from having a productive day, try Lab+Blends Dream Drops Nighttime Sleep Aid.




[1] Murillo-Rodríguez E, Millán-Aldaco D, Palomero-Rivero M, Mechoulam R, Drucker-Colín R. Cannabidiol, a constituent of Cannabis sativa, modulates sleep in rats. FEBS Lett. 2006 Aug 7;580(18):4337-45. doi: 10.1016/j.febslet.2006.04.102. Epub 2006 Jul 10. PMID: 16844117.
[2] “Dopamine,” GoodTherapy, accessed December 19, 2020.
[3] Bellocchio L, Cervino C, Pasquali R, Pagotto U. The endocannabinoid system and energy metabolism. J Neuroendocrinol. 2008 Jun;20(6):850-7. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2826.2008.01728.x. PMID: 18601709.