important email marketing

Why email marketing matters to your spa or massage practice

No one emails anymore, true or false? You might think it’s true based on the popularity of messaging apps (What’s Up and Facebook Messenger, for example) and of course texting. But don’t dismiss email as a powerful marketing tool for your spa or massage practice, at least not yet.

Business & marketingMassage therapyRetailSpa therapy
set new year goals

Setting priorities for the New Year to achieve success

In a post-holiday funk? No matter how stressful December was trying to meet the end-of-year demands of clients and staff, not to mention juggling work and holiday preparations; there’s something sad about saying goodbye to another year.

Business & marketingMassage therapyRetailSpa therapyTreatment ideas
What’s ahead in wellness and beauty trends in 2020

What’s ahead in wellness and beauty trends in 2020

What’s in store in wellness and beauty for 2020? As 2019 drew to a close, industry pundits weighed in with their expectations for trends in products and services that consumers will be looking for to improve their mental and physical well being and look better. We’ve gathered some of these forecasts from around the Web...

Business & marketingMassage therapyRetailSpa therapyTreatment ideas
Key steps to successful annual business planning

Key steps to successful annual business planning

Are you ready for the New Year? Before you know it, you’ll be ringing in 2020 at your spa or massage practice and you want to make sure it gets off to a good start and stays that way. You probably know by now that you can’t leave things to chance or just “go with the flow.” Success requires planning. Writing an annual...

Business & marketingMassage therapyRetailSpa therapy
Boost retail sales by following merchandising best practices

Boost retail sales by following merchandising best practices

It’s here. Black Friday marks the official kickoff of the holiday season. If you haven’t already kicked into action getting ready for holiday sales, there’s no more time to waste, especially when it comes to retail product promotions and holiday gift giving. Retail sales can make up a significant part of your holiday revenue...

Business & marketingMassage therapyRetailSpa therapy
Help clients de-stress this holiday season

Help clients de-stress this holiday season

Tis the season…to be stressful! Ironically, at this holiday time of year, many feel more stressed out than jolly.  While the promise of getting together with friends and family, exchanging gifts and enjoying good food and drink should raise spirits, many are feeling overwhelmed by all the planning, shopping and food...

Business & marketingMassage therapyRetailSpa therapyTreatment ideas
How to make Small Business Saturday “big” at your spa or massage practice

How to make Small Business Saturday “big” at your spa or massage practice

Is your spa or massage practice getting ready to participate in Small Business Saturday, celebrated on November 30? This year marks the 10th annual holiday, created by American Express in 2010, that brings communities together to support their local small businesses during one of the busiest shopping seasons...

Business & marketingMassage therapyRetailSpa therapyTreatment ideas
Holiday shoppers plan to spend more this season than last

Holiday shoppers plan to spend more this season than last

The NRF survey finds that consumers will spend their holiday shopping on three main categories, including gifts for family, friends and coworkers at an average of $658.55; non-gift holiday items such as food, candy, decorations, cards and so forth at an average of $227.26; and other non-gift purchases that take...

Business & marketingMassage therapyRetailSpa therapy
Take care of current clients while you reach out to new ones

Take care of current clients while you reach out to new ones

Are you spending more time trying to get new clients than trying to keep the ones you have? It’s a question anyone running a spa or massage practice – or any other business for that matter – needs to think about. While you need to focus on client acquisition, since clients move on for any number of reasons; the fact...

Business & marketingMassage therapyRetailSpa therapy
How to manage retail sales for success

How to manage retail sales for success

Are you satisfied with your retail sales? Considering the huge revenue upside of retail for your spa or massage practice, you’ll want to be sure that your retail strategy and execution is on target to maximize the potential. At the heart of any retail sales strategy, however, are clients and on their behalf, you’ll want to create an engaging experience.
Business & marketingMassage therapyRetailSpa therapy
A Winning Recipe for Creating Great Content: Essential Ingredients

A Winning Recipe for Creating Great Content: Essential Ingredients

Content continues to be a very effective way to build engagement with your clients. The more your posts, images, and videos are liked and shared online, the more you build your reputation and attract clients. But keeping content fresh, relevant, interesting and entertaining requires planning and strategy.

Business & marketingMassage therapyRetailSpa therapy
Key questions about Melatonin, the sleep hormone

Key questions about Melatonin, the sleep hormone

One of the key ingredients in BIOTONE’s new Lab+Blends CBD Dream Drops, a drug-free, non-habit forming sleep aid, is Melatonin. No doubt you’ve heard of Melatonin. It’s a hormone that is used as a sleep aid, often recommended for ling flights...
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