Feeling Burned Out at your Spa or Massage Business? It’s Time to Take Action.

Feeling Burned Out at your Spa or Massage Business? It’s Time to Take Action.

Do little things make you angry? Do you find you are making even the simplest of mistakes at your spa or massage practice? Are you having trouble sleeping or eating too much? These are just some of the symptoms of burnout...
Business & marketing
Don’t let Excuses Hold Back your Spa or Massage Practice from getting Ahead

Don’t let Excuses Hold Back your Spa or Massage Practice from getting Ahead

We all make excuses in our personal lives and when it comes to running your spa or massage practice. Sometimes they are legitimate. Maybe you REALLY did forget to call someone when you said you would...
Business & marketing
Adventures in Massage Therapy Available: Apply Now!

Adventures in Massage Therapy Available: Apply Now!

Have you ever wanted to pack up and move to Costa Rica, Alaska or some other far off place for the summer? Many adventures await massage therapists itching to explore the world!...
Business & marketing
The Road to your Spa or Massage Practice Success may Be Paved with Failures

The Road to your Spa or Massage Practice Success may Be Paved with Failures

Winning is about as American as apple pie. It’s no wonder that the famous quote “failure is not an option,” attributed to Gene Krantz, flight director for the Apollo 13 mission, has been burned into our collective conscience...
Business & marketing
Use the Power of the Pen and Write thank-you notes for your Spa or Massage Practice

Use the Power of the Pen and Write thank-you notes for your Spa or Massage Practice

Everyone wants to feel appreciated and your spa or massage practice clients are no exception. While you can convey your thanks for their business with occasional specials and discounts, don’t overlook the power of a handwritten thank-you note...
Business & marketing
The Therapist Trinity: Education, Experiential knowledge, and Instinct.

The Therapist Trinity: Education, Experiential knowledge, and Instinct.

This year I have come to fully appreciate the importance of combining education, experience and instinct in order to become a more effective body worker. As I attend various workshops and followed multi-disciplinary professional blogs / articles, I have noticed a growing attention by others to this trinity as well...
Business & marketing
Marketing at a Standstill? Get your Spa or Massage Practice back into the Game.

Marketing at a Standstill? Get your Spa or Massage Practice back into the Game.

Even though you know that marketing is essential to your spa or massage practice, you may find yourself neglecting it. It’s understandable. You may have a small team – or it’s just you...
Business & marketing
Change Happens. How to Get the Support of your Spa or Massage Practice Team

Change Happens. How to Get the Support of your Spa or Massage Practice Team

Some people thrive on change; others simply dread it. In any case, your spa or massage practice is going to experience it not once but many times as your business grows, and you need the support of your team to reach whatever goals you set...
Business & marketing
How to Sell Massage to Employers

How to Sell Massage to Employers

Are you looking to expand your massage services to the corporate market? Many companies offer corporate wellness programs that include fitness; healthy workplace food choices; educational seminars on diet and weight loss; and chiropractic, chair massage and other physical therapies...
Business & marketing
Five Steps to find the Unique Selling Proposition of your Spa or Massage Practice

Five Steps to find the Unique Selling Proposition of your Spa or Massage Practice

What makes your spa or massage practice stand out from the competition? Surprising as it may be, many establishments can’t answer that question even those that are successful and confident they are providing their market with outstanding value...
Business & marketing
Benefits of Meditation for Running your Spa or Massage Practice

Benefits of Meditation for Running your Spa or Massage Practice

Do you meditate? While there are many different types of meditation developed by a diverse range of cultures – Indian, Buddhist, Zen and others in the East and West -- all have the common goal of achieving spiritual growth...
Business & marketing
Use Video to Market your Spa and Massage Practice Services

Use Video to Market your Spa and Massage Practice Services

It may be time for you to get behind the camera for your spa massage marketing. A 2013 Video Marketing Survey and Business Video Trends Report found that among 600 marketing professionals surveyed, 93 percent use video as part of their marketing mix and 82 percent reported that video has a positive impact on their business...
Business & marketing