The Liquid Body

I am sure you have heard someone tell you to make sure to drink plenty of water to stay healthy and hydrated. A few thumb rules are to drink eight 8oz glasses a day or 1 oz for every 2 pounds you weigh. Ultimately, how much water someone needs depends on several factors, including physical activity levels, climate, physical condition, diet, and age. I am guessing you may already know that, but did you know:


  • You can drink too much water. People with kidney or adrenal issues or those taking diuretics should check with a doctor to determine water intake recommendations. Also, those participating in strenuous physical activity need to replace electrolytes and minerals, not just water.
  • Water molecules surround the genetic material in DNA in a way that directly influences its structure. Water molecules entirely cover the DNA double Helix. These water molecules, in combination with ions, actually hold the DNA together.
  • Every molecule in the body is framed by water and ions. If you removed the water from this framework, all of the molecules in your body would be pushed apart rapidly. Water actually neutralizes the electrical charges of the atoms that make up the molecules.
  • Water doesn't just hold your body's atoms together; it lubricates them and creates a cushion to protect your tissues from shock - it allows force to be distributed across the system.
  • Water acts as a transportation network that delivers vitamins, minerals, and other essential elements to the body's tissues and organs. It also provides the pathway for the removal of waste products, such as metabolites and toxins.


When collagen fibers become dehydrated, they elicit an acute inflammatory response resulting in histamine release, dopamine, and other chemical mediators, resulting in increased facial tension. If the dehydration is persistent, this could lead to excessive bonding of collagen fibers, scar tissue formation, and adhesions in the fascial net. As a result of this process, the tissue loses its ability to move freely, elasticity is lost, and the ground substance decreases.


Luckily, some of these negative consequences of dehydration can be counteracted by rehydrating and performing active range of motion exercises - for individuals with chronic dehydration, further steps may be needed. Conveying this information to clients may help them understand why water is so important. Everyone knows that they should stay hydrated. They don't always understand the profound effects of not doing it.


So what are you waiting for? Grab a glass of water!

