Introduce spa and massage practice clients to the benefits of figwort

Introduce spa and massage practice clients to the benefits of figwort

While figwort may not be the most pleasant sounding of names, don’t let that put you off from using this healing herb in spa and massage client treatments. In the middle ages, figwort was considered a very powerful medicinal plant.
Treatment ideas
Simple Tips for Massaging Pediatric Clients

Simple Tips for Massaging Pediatric Clients

I was lucky enough to have the opportunity to interview Tina Allen from Liddle Kidz Foundation at the American Massage Conference this last weekend in Chicago, IL. I asked Tina to explain some of the benefits of Pediatric Massage and a few simple tips...
Massage therapy
How to avoid product overuse at your spa or massage practice

How to avoid product overuse at your spa or massage practice

When looking to cut costs at your spa or massage practice, you’ll want to consider product usage. It is one area that is often overlooked, but it can make a significant difference in your profitability...
Business & marketing
Which massage lubricant is just the right touch for your spa or massage practice?

Which massage lubricant is just the right touch for your spa or massage practice?

There’s no lack of choice when it comes to massage lubricants for your spa or massage practice. You can choose between a range of massage oils, lotions, cremes and body butters and gels. Personal preference is one of the criteria...
Treatment ideas
Woman working on her business

How to price customized treatments at your spa or massage practice

Today’s spa and massage practice clients know more about the different types of massage and skin treatments than ever before. They also are results oriented and cost conscious, which means they want services that accommodate their unique needs and preference...
Business & marketing
Cup of Raw Tea

Tea Time: Three ways to incorporate the benefits of Tea in the treatment room

Unless you live and work under a rock, you probably already know about the health benefits of Green tea. (If not, Google it). This has been a wellness topic for decades that has recently seen a new surge of interest....
Treatment ideas
Why you should embrace learning to grow your spa or massage practice

Why you should embrace learning to grow your spa or massage practice

Are you too tired from all the demands of running your spa or massage practice to crack the books at the end of the day? Is the cost of continuing education not a fit for you your budget right now?...
Business & marketing
Don’t let repetitive stress syndrome hurt your spa or massage practice

Don’t let repetitive stress syndrome hurt your spa or massage practice

Did you ever hear of “milkmaid’s arm?” It’s actually an early description of what we today call repetitive stress or strain injury (RSI) that comes from repeating the same motions for hours at a time...
Massage therapy
Pre-book to boost bookings at your spa or massage practice

Pre-book to boost bookings at your spa or massage practice

Are you getting your clients to pre-book their next appointment before they walk out the door after a session? If not, you may be missing out business...
Business & marketing
5 Simple Steps to Therapeutic Unwinding

5 Simple Steps to Therapeutic Unwinding

Have you ever been performing a relaxation massage and come across a tight congested bunch of tissue? I bet you have! The client may have come in expressing a desire to relax or may have only paid for a Swedish massage, not the potentially more expensive Deep Tissue therapy...
Massage therapy
Steps to take to avoid burnout at your spa or massage practice

Steps to take to avoid burnout at your spa or massage practice

No matter how much you love your work at your spa or massage practice, at some point you may experience burnout. Burnout isn’t just feeling stressed or overly tired...
Business & marketing
How to keep your spa or massage practice ahead when the competition drops prices

How to keep your spa or massage practice ahead when the competition drops prices

Are your competitors lowering their prices and you’re worried if you don’t do the same for your spa and massage practice service, you’ll lose clients? Before you change any of your prices, ask yourself if being the “low price” leader is really what...
Business & marketing