7 ways to boost social media content to engage spa and massage practice followers

7 ways to boost social media content to engage spa and massage practice followers

By now those of you who are actively engaged in social media to boost your spa or massage practice know that keeping content fresh takes work.  The amount of likes, shares, and comments lets you know if...

Business & marketingMassage therapySpa therapy
What it takes to make the vision for your spa or massage practice into reality

What it takes to make the vision for your spa or massage practice into reality

With the holidays just about if not already a distant memory, there should be more time to put plans in place take your spa or massage practice to the next level. Maybe your goal is financial or it may be that...

Business & marketingMassage therapySpa therapy
Olive Oil

The timeless benefits of olive oil for massage and spa clients

It’s not only lettuce that gets even better – and healthier – with olive oil, so does our skin. Olive oil has been widely used over the ages as a beauty aid. Cleopatra was known for taking baths with olive oil to make her skin smooth and shiny.

Massage therapySpa therapyTreatment ideas
Mastering the basics of Traditional Head Massage

Mastering the basics of Traditional Head Massage

Hope your 2017 is starting out with a flourish.  I am definitely having more fun in my treatment room so far.   One of my goals was to go back through 25 years of my books...

Massage therapySpa therapyTreatment ideas
Make sure your workout works for you

Make sure your workout works for you

Want a good workout, but not sure what will get the best results? Here are some guidelines from the American College of Sports Medicine for a safe and productive weekly program of exercise as reported by WebMD.

How to establish yourself as a spa or massage practice expert

How to establish yourself as a spa or massage practice expert

Build it and they will come is a nice concept but in a highly competitive environment, unfortunately that phrase often doesn’t “hold a lot of water.” No doubt you’ve already figured out that you need to do some level of marketing...

Business & marketingMassage therapySpa therapy
Why it’s more important than ever to protect your spa or massage practice brand online

Why it’s more important than ever to protect your spa or massage practice brand online

As if a bad review from a disgruntled client wasn’t enough of a concern, nowadays spa and massage practice owners and managers need to be concerned about fake news.

Business & marketingMassage therapySpa therapy
Kukui Nut Oil

Kukui Nut Oil: An ancient beauty secret is becoming a popular ingredient in many skincare products

When it comes to the oil from the Kukui nut or seed, you could say that the “cat is out of the bag.”  Up until recently, the benefits of Kukui Nut Oill were an ancient Hawaiian secret.

Massage therapySpa therapyTreatment ideas
Good for the Sole

Good for the Sole

Did you know that each of your feet have more than 7000 nerve endings? The sensory feedback these nerve endings transmit to the central nervous system provide information about the surface being walked upon.

Massage therapySpa therapyTreatment ideas
happy woman smiling

Make exfoliation a key part of your skin care regime

Is exfoliation part of your skin care regime? If not, it’s something you’ll want to consider because of its many benefits. When you exfoliate, you are actually removing dead skin cells...

Strengthen the connection with spa and massage practice clients with video content

Strengthen the connection with spa and massage practice clients with video content

Video is having a major impact on marketing for companies to connect and engage with customers so it’s something you’ll want to consider as you plan your social media and promotional activities for the year.

Business & marketingMassage therapySpa therapy
Make your spa or massage practice a client destination on Valentine’s Day

Make your spa or massage practice a client destination on Valentine’s Day

Valentine’s Day is not far off and you want to be sure that your spa or massage practice is a destination for new clients and prospects who want to pamper a loved one or even just want to spoil themselves.

Business & marketingMassage therapySpa therapyTreatment ideas