olive oil image

Revitalize client skin for summer with olive oil

If you’re looking for a third-party testimony about the value of olive oil for skin, look no further. The ancient Egyptian ruler was known for taking baths with olive oil to make her skin smooth and shiny. The benefits of olive oil are impressive...

Massage therapySpa therapyTreatment ideas
rosemary in hands

Getting Down to Essentials: Rosemary Essential Oil

alk about versatility. Since ancient times, rosemary has been used for a number of both culinary and medicinal purposes and even religious ceremonies. The Morning Call notes that the Greeks and Romans believed that Rosemary would improve...

Massage therapyRetailSpa therapyTreatment ideas
store sign says open business

Consumers ready to go back to salons, spa once things reopen

The news looks good for salons, spa and massage therapy professionals about client enthusiasm over reopening. A recent survey conducted by consulting firm Buzz Beauté finds that consumers are going to...

CommunityMassage therapySpa therapy
digital resources on computer

ISPA Toolkit Offers Resources for Safe Reopening

As you begin planning for reopening; there still may be questions about how to go about it to ensure the safety of your employees and clients while they are in your establishment and as you and your team provide massages and...

Business & marketingMassage therapyRetailSpa therapy
shea butter natural on table

Shea butter is the perfect ingredient for skin ready to meet the sun

Shea Butter is a key ingredient in many BIOTONE products and for good reason. Rich in stearic and oleic fatty acids, Shea Butter helps to retain skin moisture and elasticity. In addition, it contains an abundance of oleic...

Massage therapySpa therapyTreatment ideas
aromatherapy for a list

Clients need a lift during pandemic lock down? Aromatherapy could be what the doctor ordered.

The good news is that we continue to “flatten the pandemic curve,” and so some states are taking steps to return to normalcy. Still for many, stay-at-home orders continue with appropriate social distancing guiding...

Massage therapyRetailSpa therapyTreatment ideas
Struggling to get a good night’s sleep at this troubling time? Here’s what you can do.

Struggling to get a good night’s sleep at this troubling time? Here’s what you can do.

Having trouble sleeping during the pandemic? If you are, you’re not alone. Getting enough quality sleep is a common problem many have. However, the corona virus has so disrupted our daily lives that interrupted or...

Massage therapySpa therapyTreatment ideas
nervous person

How to deal with anxiety in this uncertain time

We’re dealing with a lot of uncertainty right now and this is especially challenging for business owners. No doubt many of you are looking at ways to continue some aspect of your business during a mandatory...

Business & marketingMassage therapySpa therapyTreatment ideas
stay in touch button on keyboard

Stay in touch with clients during the pandemic

We are thinking of you during this very uncertain time.  We are open for business and are here to answer any questions and address concerns you have. Similarly, we expect you are equally concerned about your clients...

Business & marketingCommunityMassage therapySpa therapy
rosemary oil

Getting Down to Essentials: Rosemary Essential Oil

Among the most popular aromatic and medicinal plants, you’ll find rosemary. Rosemary has a lemon-pine flavor that goes well with garlic and olive oil. That makes it a common ingredient for a whole range of dishes.

Massage therapySpa therapyTreatment ideas
cocoa butter ingredient

Cocoa butter is just the right ingredient to lift the senses

These are trying times – unprecedented for most of us. Clients will be looking for treatments that calm and relax. At a time like this, what could be better than the soothing aroma of cocoa? So, for clients looking to ease the body and mind, consider skin care and massage products that include cocoa butter as a key ingredient, such as BIOTONE Cocoa-Comfort Massage Balm

Massage therapySpa therapyTreatment ideas
Leave drama in the theater and keep it out of your spa or massage practice

Leave drama in the theater and keep it out of your spa or massage practice

Shakespeare said “all the world’s a stage” Considering the drama that often takes place in organizations, you have to admit the “Bard” was on to something.  As the owner or manager of a spa or massage practice, you’ve got enough on your hands growing your business and keeping it competitive without employee...

Business & marketingMassage therapySpa therapy