Help spa and massage practice clients put a ‘pep in their step’ with sunflower oil

Help spa and massage practice clients put a ‘pep in their step’ with sunflower oil

It’s not only because they are big and bright yellow that sunflowers got their name. In their bud phase, sunflowers will literally seek out and face the sun, writes Good Housekeeping in “9 Cool Things You Might Not Know About Sunflowers.”

Massage therapySpa therapyTreatment ideas
When it comes to singing your praises, ask your spa and massage practice clients to hit  the right notes

When it comes to singing your praises, ask your spa and massage practice clients to hit the right notes

No one will fault you for touting the services of your spa or massage practice. In fact, clients want to do business with people who feel very positive about what they have to offer.

Business & marketingMassage therapySpa therapy
Turn great ideas for your spa or massage practice into action

Turn great ideas for your spa or massage practice into action

There’s no shortage of great ideas but just how many of them see the light of day? As the owner or manager of a spa or massage practice,
Business & marketingMassage therapySpa therapy
Take Social Media to the Next Level by Utilizing Social Listening!

Take Social Media to the Next Level by Utilizing Social Listening!

Many massage and spa businesses incorporate social media into their marketing strategy by creating Facebook pages, yelp accounts, twitter feeds, and LinkedIn profiles, among others.
Business & marketingCommunityMassage therapySpa therapy
How to turn online clients rants about your spa or massage practice into raves

How to turn online clients rants about your spa or massage practice into raves

There was a time when an unhappy client went away never to return and at worse just shared their dissatisfaction with some friends and family. But now thanks to social media things have changed.
Business & marketingMassage therapySpa therapy
Hate selling? Learn how to sell like a natural at your spa or massage practice

Hate selling? Learn how to sell like a natural at your spa or massage practice

Do you cringe at the idea of selling? It’s not uncommon that many business owners, including spa and massage practice professionals, are uncomfortable about selling.
Business & marketingMassage therapySpa therapy
Learn how to deal with spa and massage practice clients that annoy you

Learn how to deal with spa and massage practice clients that annoy you

Social media may be bringing some of us together, but it’s also exposing how annoying and frustrating some people can be. As if we needed more evidence.
Business & marketingMassage therapySpa therapy
massage treatment of hot stone

Mixing it up in the treatment room

My last blog I talked about spring cleaning your practice.  Just to prove I practice what I preach I’m sharing a few of the ways I’ve been rotating the tool box this month.

Business & marketingMassage therapySpa therapyTreatment ideas
Loyal spa and massage clients matter to your spa and massage marketing. So create them!

Loyal spa and massage clients matter to your spa and massage marketing. So create them!

Are you more focused on bringing new clients through the door of your spa or massage practice than strengthening relationships with current ones? It’s a question you want to ask yourself

Business & marketingMassage therapyRetailSpa therapy
Don’t settle. Earn what you are worth at your spa or massage practice

Don’t settle. Earn what you are worth at your spa or massage practice

When setting prices for your spa and massage practice services, do you find it difficult to ask for what you really want? This is often true, especially when business owners are starting out...

Business & marketingMassage therapySpa therapy
Take good care of yourself to help spa and massage practice clients

Take good care of yourself to help spa and massage practice clients

Are you practicing what you preach to clients when it comes to taking care of yourself?  With all the demands of running or managing your spa or massage practice, it’s easy to disregard

Massage therapySpa therapy
Goals are Good, Until You Lose Focus!

Goals are Good, Until You Lose Focus!

Many years ago when I was teaching intro students massage I had a saying that I would repeat over and over again hoping to burn it into the students brains as they formed their own personal massage style.
Massage therapySpa therapy