Sunflower essential Oil

Sunflower oil is a spring wakeup call for the skin

Spring is here and not a minute too soon. Winter weather has been rough in many parts of the country. With the arrival of spring, we can rejoice in the beautiful flowers that are starting to emerge. Always a welcome sight are the Sunflowers, who...

Massage therapySpa therapyTreatment ideas
Create memorable experiences to build bonds with clients

Create memorable experiences to build bonds with clients

Now that the weather is turning warmer, you probably are starting to market new skin care treatments help clients restore their skin from the harsh effects of winter weather. Or clients may be starting to spend more time participating in outdoor activities...

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Lemon Essential Oil and lemons

Getting Down to Essentials: Lemon Essential Oil

While lemons may inspire thoughts of summer and sipping cooling lemonade while lounging by the pool; lemons any time of year lift the spirit. They have a delightful aroma, a pleasing taste and are packed with Vitamin C. It’s no wonder therefor that lemon...

Massage therapySpa therapyTreatment ideas
Should you hire a business coach?

Should you hire a business coach?

Are you at one of those times in running a spa or massage practice when you feel stuck? Even if things are going well, you know that for continued success you need to change your course of action. However, you may not know what to do. Maybe you need...

Business & marketingMassage therapyRetailSpa therapyTreatment ideas
Celebrating Healthy Womanhood in All Four of its Seasons

Celebrating Healthy Womanhood in All Four of its Seasons

May is undoubtedly when we celebrate motherhood. There are however three other seasons in a woman’s life and why shouldn’t we celebrate all of them? This includes Maiden, Mother, Maga (female version of magnus /wise man), and Maven (elder/crone).

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Massage therapy news and research breakthroughs

Massage therapy news and research breakthroughs

Massage Magazine reports that therapy helped decrease pain, nausea, stress and anxiety, along with increasing white blood cells and neutrophils, in children with cancer. This conclusion is based on a review of seven published studies on massage...

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Encourage at-home care to help your clients and your bottom line

Encourage at-home care to help your clients and your bottom line

You may be in charge when clients are in “your hands,” but once they walk out the door you can’t always know if they will continue self-care.  Many clients won’t follow a self-care regimen because they aren’t sure what to do at home to care for their...

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Clove Essential Oils in bottle

Getting Down to Essentials: Clove Oil

Like many of today’s popular essential oils, the history of the use clove oil goes back thousands of years. According to Sally’s Organics, ancient Roman text refers to the cloves, and the spice is documented in Chinese history as early at 226 BC. At that...

Massage therapySpa therapyTreatment ideas
Wellness professionals are turning to CBD. Here’s why.

Wellness professionals are turning to CBD. Here’s why.

Did you ever think you’d be asking your clients if they would like some cannabis?  Well today with cannabis legal in 29 states for medicinal purposes, as well as for recreational use in a handful of states, cannabis is no longer a word you say in hushed...

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Putting your best foot forward with your clients and the Earth

Putting your best foot forward with your clients and the Earth

It’s been personally rewarding working on this series of “A Year of Giving Back” and it’s inspiring me beyond my usual promotions.  For example April is more than Easter and Tax Day. It has Foot Health Awareness, Youth Sports Safety Month...

Business & marketingMassage therapyRetailSpa therapyTreatment ideas
Apricot Essential Oil

Looking for versatility? Try apricot oil for massage and skin care

The apricot has been valued for its healing and medicinal properties for thousands of years. The oil, which is cold pressed from the kernel of the fruit, is a popular ingredient in skincare products because it is high in oleic and linoleic acids.

Massage therapySpa therapyTreatment ideas
Breakthroughs in massage therapy research

Breakthroughs in massage therapy research

Massage helps parent and infant bonding

A body of research indicates the benefits of infant massage for babies and parents, according to a recent article on in Massage Magazine.  Dr. Tiffany Field of the Touch Research Institute in Miami is cited as having conducted over 100 studies...

Massage therapySpa therapyTreatment ideas