It's okay to let your business go to the dogs

It's okay to let your business go to the dogs

We're an enormously animal passionate company. We love animals here at BIOTONE. We take great pride in the fact BIOTONE has never tested products on animals, which I believe can also be said of many of the other manufacturers in the industry. We also love to hear stories from our customers who include animal massage - a growing field - as one of their specialties...
Do Your Clients Know You Appreciate Them?

Do Your Clients Know You Appreciate Them?

When is the last time you told your clients how much you appreciate their business? Someone told me it's National Write a Letter of Appreciation Week. I was not aware such a week existed, but it's a good reminder that we all need to let our customers...

Loving Hands Reach Far Into The Community To Help

Once again our industry has risen to the occasion in offering help to those in serious need. Over the past few weeks, I've read about several spas and massage therapists hosting fundraisers to raise money for Haiti...
CommunityMassage therapy

Join the Conversation

Did you ever play operator with a group of your friends? You know the game where one person says something then whispers it to the next person and so on and so on down the line. Ultimately it's up to the last person in line to broadcast...
AnnouncementsCommunityMassage therapySpa therapy