Do spa and massage practice clients trust your brand? Put yourself in your client’s shoes to find out.

Do spa and massage practice clients trust your brand? Put yourself in your client’s shoes to find out.

When it comes to building trust in your spa or massage practice brand, consistency is the name of the game. Consider the following.

Business & marketingMassage therapySpa therapy
Do You Deliver What You Promise?

Do You Deliver What You Promise?

Have you ever had an experience where a company promised the moon, but delivered a pebble? It is disappointing to say the least! Our relationships with our customers are based on trust.

Business & marketingMassage therapySpa therapy
Is a partner right for your spa or massage practice? Consider the pros and cons.

Is a partner right for your spa or massage practice? Consider the pros and cons.

Has your spa or massage practice reached a point where you feel you can’t take it any further going down the path you currently are on? You may want to open a second operation in another part of town...

Business & marketingMassage therapySpa therapy
Americans continue to seek out complementary health therapies, national survey finds

Americans continue to seek out complementary health therapies, national survey finds

Here’s good news for your spa and massage therapy practice. Americans continue to spend a significant amount of the dollars they spend on health care on alternative therapies.

Business & marketingMassage therapySpa therapy
How to deal with spa and massage practice clients that challenge your time and patience

How to deal with spa and massage practice clients that challenge your time and patience

It only takes one difficult person to turn the day upside down. In an ideal world, you wouldn’t have to deal with people that criticize everything and everyone, make unreasonable demands or never know what they want.

Business & marketingMassage therapySpa therapy
Respecting Mother Earth; Aligning with Clients Values

Respecting Mother Earth; Aligning with Clients Values

Since massage is in many ways a nurturing profession, caring about and committing to Mother Earth should not be a big stretch.

Massage therapySpa therapy
Tips to get prospective clients off the fence and on to your massage table

Tips to get prospective clients off the fence and on to your massage table

In many industries, they call them “tire kickers.” They are the prospective clients, who ask you lots and LOTS of questions about your services, but in the end never commit to an appointment.

Business & marketingMassage therapySpa therapy
Treat spa and massage practice clients to the tropics with mango butter

Treat spa and massage practice clients to the tropics with mango butter

Are your spa and massage practice clients dreaming of a tropical beach but lacking the time and budget to get to one this summer?

Massage therapySpa therapyTreatment ideas
Boost your spa or massage therapy business: Introduce massage therapy to the workplace

Boost your spa or massage therapy business: Introduce massage therapy to the workplace

Stress is having a serious impact on worker productivity.  A 2013/2014 Global Benefits Attitudes surveyconducted by global professional services firm Towers Watson found that employees who suffered from high levels of stress...

Business & marketingMassage therapySpa therapy
Where Do You Start When Choosing Massage as a Career?

Where Do You Start When Choosing Massage as a Career?

I can honestly say that I feel enormously blessed to be able to call myself a massage therapist! I get to have a career that makes me feel valuable to both clients and my community.
Massage therapySpa therapy
Selling retail at your spa or massage practice: Follow the 4 Ps

Selling retail at your spa or massage practice: Follow the 4 Ps

In 1964, Neil H. Borden, professor of advertising at the Harvard Business School published a paper on “The Concept of the Marketing Mix,” in which he identified the tools necessary to create demand for a product, such as product

Business & marketingMassage therapyRetailSpa therapy
Tips to put first time spa or massage practice clients at ease

Tips to put first time spa or massage practice clients at ease

No matter how enthusiastic new clients may be about the benefits of massage, some still will be apprehension about the experience, especially since it involves removing clothing.

Massage therapySpa therapy