Beauty sleep is not a myth!

Beauty sleep is not a myth!

There’s a good reason why getting a good night’s sleep is called “beauty sleep.”  Sleep helps your body restore and rejuvenate, grow muscle, repair tissue and synthesize hormones, explains the National Sleep Foundation.

Do facial exercises work? Experts weigh in.

Do facial exercises work? Experts weigh in.

You know that exercise is good for your health and a healthier, younger-looking skin. But does your skin derive benefits form facial exercises?
apply sunscreen to face

Protect your skin during the hot summer months

While sunny summer days may lift your spirits, they also pose a significant risk to your skin. The sun’s ultraviolet rays can result in sunburn, unsightly sun brown or age spots, and even more...

Coconuts and coconut Oil

Why you should consider coconut oil for your daily beauty care needs

We all know that when it comes to beauty care, a lot of products get their “15 minutes of fame” but then seem to fade in popularity. Well don’t expect this to be the case with coconut oil...

woman with face mask on

Why you want to include face masks in your skincare regimen

If you want a spa-like experience but don’t have the time or budget for one then you’ll definitely want to add facial masks to your at-home beauty regimen.

woman feeling her face

Morning Skin Care Tips

Is your skincare regime suffering in the morning from your need to get up and out quickly? Whatever the reason, you’re not doing your face a favor by applying...

happy woman outside

Transition skin care routine from winter to spring

You have different clothes in your wardrobe for each season to accommodate the changes in temperature and other climatic conditions. Just like your wardrobe, skincare needs to change...

Water and hydration: What you need to know

Water and hydration: What you need to know

Does drinking water really help your skin is a subject of debate. There’s no question that drinking water is good for your overall health. There are several reasons why you want have a sufficient amount of...

Weight bearing or cardio – pick the workout that works for you.

Weight bearing or cardio – pick the workout that works for you.

Cardio or weight bearing, which type of exercise is for you? Since exercise offers a range of benefits for controlling weight, preventing certain diseases and health conditions and maintaining good skin...

Be good to your hands and arms

Be good to your hands and arms

Caring for your skin doesn’t shouldn’t stop at the neckline.  Dry, wrinkled hands and arms can give away your age. In fact, they are areas of the body that are one of the first places to show signs of aging.

woman meditating

Be good to your skin. Start meditating.

In “Don’t Let Stress Get the Best of Your Skin,” I talked about how stress can affect your skin. Dull, dry, oily skin and even wrinkles can be attributed to cortisol and other hormones your body produces when...

Make sure your workout works for you

Make sure your workout works for you

Want a good workout, but not sure what will get the best results? Here are some guidelines from the American College of Sports Medicine for a safe and productive weekly program of exercise as reported by WebMD.
