happy woman outside

You have different clothes in your wardrobe for each season to accommodate the changes in temperature and other climatic conditions. Just like your wardrobe, skincare needs to change from season to season, too. So now that the freezing temperatures with snow and ice are behind us (save for those occasional freak spring snowstorms), it’s time to get your skin readier for warmer and brighter days. 


Getting down to basics


When it comes to transitioning from winter to spring skincare, keep the following in mind, less is more when it comes to moisturizing. You’ll also want to exfoliate, but don’t overdo it, and hydrate, hydrate, hydrate.



Just like you need a heavy coat for winter, so too, you need a heavy moisturizer during the colder weather to prevent dryness and damage. But now that springtime is here, it’s time to replace heavy winter skincare emollients with products that are lighter in consistency.  Look for products that also deliver maximum moisture, to replace moisture that was lost during winter. And make sure whatever product you choose has SPF protection against the sun’s harmful rays, since you will be more exposed to them with the arrival of longer, sunnier days.



If you are not exfoliating regularly, spring is time to start. As a result of the harsh weather of winter, skin becomes dull. When you exfoliate, you are actually removing dead skin cells that lie on the surface of the skin and can clog your pores. Removing these dead cells makes skin softer and smoother and unblocks pores. Also once these dead skin cells are removed, it’s easier for facial or body care products to penetrate the surface of the skin.


Another benefit of exfoliation is collagen production. Collagen is the protein in skin that gives it strength and durability. When you remove the top layer of dead skin, you encourage the skin to produce new cells, which help to stimulate collagen production.



Hydration is important year round, but with rising temperatures, you’ll want to be sure to keep your skin is hydrated even more. When you are not sufficiently hydrated, your skin will appear dry and tight and may even flake. To lock moisture into your skin, apply a moisturizer to your skin a few minutes (3 to 5 minutes generally are advised) right after a bath or shower when your skin is still damp. The moisturizer will lock in the water that is still on your skin and help hydration.


Toss out the old


Spring also is a good time to do some “spring cleaning” and get rid of products that getting old and can contain a buildup of bacteria. WebMD advises the following:


  • Mascara and liquid eye liner: Have a short shelf life and should be replaced every three to four months.
  • Liquid foundation: Can remain stable up to a year.
  • Powders: Can be used safely for 18 months to two years, unless they begin to smell off and the color has turned.
  • Lip gloss and lipstick:  Safe to hold on for at least six months and the lipstick for a year.



Also in spring – and in the other seasons as well - consider retinol products such as True Results Retinol Active Skincare to help skin look its best.  Retinols achieve anti-aging results by protecting skin from free radicals and prompting surface skin cells to turn over and die rapidly so that new skin cells can grow. Retinols also slow down the breakdown of collagen, the protein in skin that gives it strength and durability.
