apply sunscreen to face

While sunny summer days may lift your spirits, they also pose a significant risk to your skin. The sun’s ultraviolet rays can result in sunburn, unsightly sun brown or age spots, and even more troubling skin cancer.  And when it comes to the environment and wrinkles, nothing is more damaging than the sun.  A study reported in the journal Clinical, Cosmetic And Investigative Dermatology conducted on 298 women from 30 to 78 found that UV exposure seems to be responsible for 80% of visible facial aging signs, including wrinkles. 


Here are some things you’ll want to do during the summer to protect your skin:

Limit sun time:  While the sun can be damaging to skin, some sun is good for it.  Sunlight does provide vitamin D, which is good for cell development and repair. Just keep your time in the sun in moderation or restrict your time in the sun to early morning or late afternoon when the sun’s rays are not as strong as they are midday.


Apply sunscreen:  As points out, wearing sunscreen to protect your skin during the summer is probably one of the easiest things to do, but many forget. The site recommends that you apply at least one ounce of sunscreen least 15 to 30 minutes before going outside and to also wear a lip balm or lipstick with a sun protection factor (SPF) of at least 30.


Wear a hat: Use your head when it comes to protecting your skin from the sun’s harsh rays. Wear a sun hat. There are lots of choices, including those with wide brims that are stylish as well as functional since they protect your face and neck.  


Moisturize: Don’t neglect moisturizing in the summer, since the sun’s rays can dehydrate your skin.  In addition, there is a tendency to shower more frequently in the summer to cool off and remove excess sweat and oils, which can be dehydrating.  As the temperature goes up, you may want to use a lighter moisturizer than you would during the colder months.


Hydrate: Skin cells, like other cells in your body, need water to function properly. In fact, the water in your skin serves as protective barrier to prevent against extra loss of fluid.  When you are not sufficiently hydrated, your skin will appear dry and tight and may even flake. That’s why you want to drink a sufficient amount of water every day, since it helps bodily functions and rids your body of toxins and because you lose large quantities every day. However, don’t count on turning on the tap to provide sufficient skin hydration. What many skin specialists recommend to lock in moisture is to apply a moisturizer to your skin a few minutes (3 to 5 minutes is generally advised) right after a bath or shower when your skin is still damp. The moisturizer will lock in the water that is still on your skin and help hydration.


Exfoliate: Exfoliating should always be part of your skin care regime, but it’s particularly beneficial during the summer.  When you exfoliate, you remove dead skin cells that lie on the surface of the skin.  Once these dead skin cells are removed, it’s easier for facial or body care products and sunscreen to penetrate the surface of the skin.



Also in summer – as in all the other seasons - consider retinol products such as True Results Retinol Active Skincare to help skin look its best.  Retinols achieve anti-aging results by protecting skin from free radicals and prompting surface skin cells to turn over and die rapidly so that new skin cells can grow. Retinols also slow down the breakdown of collagen, the protein in skin that gives it strength and durability.


The TrueResults Skincare line also includes ultra-sheer and fragrance-free Sunblock SPF 50 with zinc oxide is specifically designed to replenish skin moisture while providing daily protection from environmental elements that cause sun damage. The light texture cream with a silky smooth feel applies invisibly and dries to a matte finish for the perfect under makeup application.
