Looking to heal clients’ skin? Reach for pomegranate

Looking to heal clients’ skin? Reach for pomegranate

Find out why the pomegranate has been valued over the ages and why you should incorporate it in client skin treatments.

Getting Down to Essentials: Grapeseed Oil

Getting Down to Essentials: Grapeseed Oil

Grapeseed oil has been used for thousands of years for skin care. Learn how this essential oil can benefit clients’ skin.
How to Turn Occasional Clients into Recurring Ones

How to Turn Occasional Clients into Recurring Ones

Recurring clients are golden. Find out what you can do to turn occasional clients into ones who book on a regular basis.

How One of Earth’s Oldest Life Forms Can Help Your Feet

How One of Earth’s Oldest Life Forms Can Help Your Feet

It’s been around a long time and continues to find a place in today’s wellness therapies. We’re talking about Spirulina. Learn what it is and how it can help clients’ skin.

How to be Great at Asking Questions?

How to be Great at Asking Questions?

Are you get the best input from clients to provide the best treatments? If not, maybe you need to hone your skills at asking questions to get the right information?

Getting Down to Essentials:  Avocado Oil

Getting Down to Essentials: Avocado Oil

What’s in a name? The original name of the avocado was ahuacate. But the Spanish name with Aztec origins was difficult for Americans to pronounce. Alligator pear also was proposed, but it, too, was unappealing. It was then that the name avocado emerged.
How Sugar Can Be Good for Your Skin

How Sugar Can Be Good for Your Skin

We all know consuming too much sugar can be bad for health. But sugar can provide a number of benefits for skin. Read what it can do to help enhance skin.

Getting Down to Essentials: Patchouli Essential Oil

Getting Down to Essentials: Patchouli Essential Oil

The hippies may be gone, but their favorite scent Patchouli Oil lingers. Find out what this essential oil can do for your clients.

5 Low-Cost Marketing Strategies to Grow Your Spa or Massage practice

5 Low-Cost Marketing Strategies to Grow Your Spa or Massage practice

Marketing doesn’t have to break the bank. Find out what you can do cost effectively to boost business as the market picks up steam.

Getting Down to Essentials: Lemongrass Essential Oil

Getting Down to Essentials: Lemongrass Essential Oil

The uplifting fragrance of lemongrass oil might just be what clients need if they are feeling run down and stressed out. Lemongrass oil has the added benefit of healing and smoothing skin.

Why Customer Service Matters Even More in the Post Covid Era

Why Customer Service Matters Even More in the Post Covid Era

Covid-weary clients and prospects might need some extra TLC. It may be a good time to take a look at your customer service offering and make the changes that build client bonds.

Naturally Exfoliate Client Skin with Cornmeal

Naturally Exfoliate Client Skin with Cornmeal

Pull out the cornmeal to help clients’ skin repair from the effects of winter. It’s the perfect ingredient to prevent dryness and give skin a healthy glow.