woman looking at her skin

Whatever skin care problems you are experiencing, take heart. You’re not alone. There are several common skincare problems that many of us face as adults. Among them:

Adult acne: You assumed you wouldn’t have to deal with this issue once you graduated high school. But here you are with acne frequently popping up on your face.  As upsetting as it may be, acne in adults is not uncommon. The International Dermal Institute reports, “Clinical studies indicate that between 40 and 55 percent of the adult population age 20-40 are diagnosed with low grade, persistent acne and oily skin. According to the Journal of American Academy of Dermatology, 54 percent of women older than age 25 have some facial acne.”

Causes of adult acne can range from stress to a hormone-related problem. For a persistent problem, you’ll want to see a dermatologist but you can try treating the problem on your own by following these tips from WebMD: Cleanse your skin daily but no more than twice a day, use a gentle cleanser that will let other skin products reach your skin. Retinoid (a potent antioxidant derivative of Vitamin A) creams or lotions can help clear your skin and lessen wrinkles at the same time.  Products that contain sulfur can provide a good spot treatment; benzoyl peroxide also fights acne but can dry your skin so should be used only occasionally.

Dark under-eye circles: As you age, a loss of fat and collagen make the skin appear thinner and become more translucent. As a result, the reddish-blue vessels under the eye become more pronounced, resulting in the appearance of dark circles. Avoid, rough cleansing, rubbing and pulling the skin around your eyes because these actions can impact the skin structure. Since the skin around your eyes is very sensitive, find a cleansing product for your eyes that is gentle and won’t cause irritation. Also wear sunscreen, to protect the skin under your eyes from the harsh rays of the sun.

Large pores: There are a number of reasons your pores appear larger. Genetics plays a big part. Acne can be a culprit along with sun damage.  And pores can enlarge from too much buildup of dirt, oil and dead skin. While you can’t completely get rid of large pores, you can make them look smaller with proper cleansing and exfoliation.

Dark spots:  Too much exposure to the sun leads to increased melanin (the pigment that gives skin, hair and eyes their color) production. When excess melanin increases in a certain area on the skin, it leads to a brownish spot. There are a range of spot treatments, says Mayo Clinic, including: medications such as bleaching and brightening  treatments, laser and intense pulsed light therapy, freezing (cryotherapy), dermabrasion and microdermabrasion and chemical peel.  You’ll want to discuss options with a skin care specialist or dermatologist.

Fine lines and wrinkles: As we age, collagen production declines and the skin becomes more fragile and thinner. The sun is another culprit in destroying collagen. Retinols, such as True Results Retinol, are clinically proven minimize the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.  Retinols achieve their anti-aging results by protecting skin from free radicals and prompting surface skin cells to turn over and die rapidly. When this happens, new skin cells can grow. Retinols also slow down the breakdown of collagen.

Skin problems can be trying, but with proper products and good skin care habits, you can get rid of them or minimize their appearance.
