Cocoa Butter


Is cold weather wreaking havoc on clients’ skin? Cold weather not only means getting bundled up to keep out the cold; also changes the types of treatments and products you use on clients at your spa and massage practice to keep moisture that has been depleted by cold in. One moisturizing ingredient that fits the bill is cocoa butter.

Cocoa butter comes from the cacao bean, found in parts of Africa and the Caribbean, and Latin America. They grow in pods that are located on trees in tropical areas. LiveScience explains that farmers extract the cocoa beans from the inside of a larger, fleshy cocoa fruit. The beans then are cleaned, roasted, and pressed in hydraulic machinery to yield the cocoa butter.

As if the scent weren’t enough to please any client, cocoa butter is considered the “ultimate moisturizer.” That’s because cocoa butter is naturally rich in Vitamin E and several other vitamins and minerals -- which help to soothe, hydrate, and balance the skin. Vitamin E also assists in the production of collagen, so that it aids in diminishing wrinkles and other aging signs.

Cocoa butter is a highly concentrated natural fat that melts at body temperature, easily absorbing the skin. It not only has a barrier to keep skin soft and prevent moisture loss; it helps protect sensitive skin against environmental conditions.

Here’s a treatment to help clients escape the effects of cold weather and get their skin ready for spring.

Winter Warm-Up

After many cold winter days, now is a good time to start waking up the body for the spring ahead. Starting with a dry brush exfoliation to stimulate the lymphatic system and increase circulation. Then follow with a warming body wrap, treating the skin to a soothing cocoon of ultra-rich hydration. Complete the experience with a deeply relaxing hot stone massage



  • Cocoa Comfort Massage Balm           1.5 ounces



  • 1 warm towel
  • 1 rubber spa bowl
  • Dry brush
  • 1 thermal blanket
  • Plastic wrap (optional)



1. Perform a dry brush exfoliation on the client’s skin.

2. Apply Cocoa Comfort Massage Balm in an even layer to each part of the body while quickly covering each area with plastic wrap. Cover the client with a towel to keep warm.

3. Cocoon the client by pulling up all layers of sheets, thermal wrap, and blanket.

4. Allow the client to rest for 15-20 min. This is an ideal time to incorporate an add-on facial treatment.

5. Unwrap thermal blanket and plastic wrap, transitioning to normal massage set up.

6. Perform a Hot Stone finishing treatment with a product that remains on the skin.

Massage therapySpa therapyTreatment ideas