Don’t let loss of sleep take a toll on your health and safety

Tossing and turning all night is a problem for many Americans that I wrote about in “How to go to sleep and stay asleep.”  A lack of sufficient and quality shuteye means you wake up exhausted the next day, unprepared to focus on work or whatever other responsibilities you have.  Even worse, lack of sleep, especially on a regular basis, can lead to a number of chronic health conditions.

Among the health conditions associated with chronic sleep problems are:

• Heart diseases: Less than five hours of sleep a night can lead to high blood pressure, increasing the risk of cardiovascular disease.

• Obesity: Sleep deprivation throws off the signals to your brain that you have had enough to eat. This can upset the hormonal balance that controls your appetite and metabolism so that you may overeat even when you’ve had enough food.

• Diabetes: Lack of sleep affects the body’s processing of glucose. People who have sleep issues have higher blood sugar levels, which can lead to type 2 diabetes.

• Weak immune function: Insufficient sleep can weaken the immune system, so it’s harder for your body to fight off infections.

• Depression: Sleep issues have been associated with stress, anxiety and depression.

Lack of sleep affects mood, memory and more

Lack of sufficient sleep also can lead to mood swings since you feel cranky and irritable. It also affects memory, since lack of sleep impairs your ability to focus and learn efficiently.  Sleeping “makes memory stick” so that you can recall things.

If these conditions aren’t enough to convince you of the importance of sufficient, consider that sleep deprived people are more likely to have car crashes. A sleep study found that people who slept less than seven hours are more likely to be involved and responsible for car crashes.  Sleep deprivation also increases the likelihood of a workplace accident, since fatigue can result in poor judgement and poor performance.


CBD aids sleep

While proper exercise, diet and sticking to a sleep schedule are some of the ways you can improve sleep, Cannabidiol (CBD) also can help promote sleep. THC-free CBD Extract, derived from industrial hemp, is calming and relaxing with no psychoactive effects.  It sets the stage for deep, restful sleep by increasing overall sleep quality and time spent sleeping. 

We recently introduced CBD Dream Drops, a drug-free, non-habit forming sleep aid. The new offering features (CBD), Melatonin and Vitamin B6, a powerful trio of ingredients proven to enhance sleep quality.  By combining CBD with Melatonin, the hormone that tells the body when it’s time to go to sleep, and Vitamin B6, which helps regulate the levels of Melatonin, Dream Drops helps give your body the rest it requires without the foggy feeling often associated with deep sleep.

Talking about health with your clients should include a conversation about getting enough quality sleep and what clients can do about it. Sleep is the body’s way of recharging. Don’t let clients run on empty.

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