healthy natural rosacea free skin


Some of the most common skin conditions, while in no way life threatening, still can have devasting effects on a person’s quality of life. Rosacea is one such skin condition and its symptoms can be burdensome.


While it may seem cute when someone blushes, it actually may be the first sign someone has rosacea or, if they are young, will develop the condition later in life. Characterized by facial redness, rosacea is most common in middle-aged and older adults, especially those with fair skin. While it’s a common and benign condition, affecting some 16 million people in the U.S. and 45 million worldwide, it is incurable and considered auto-inflammatory. [1]


Rosacea generally affects the central part of the face, including the forehead, cheeks, chin and nose. Skin redness is accompanied with visible blood vessels and in many cases, small, red, pus-filled bumps. Rosacea can come and go. Flareups can last for weeks to months then subside.  The condition also can produce eye problems called ocular rosacea. Among the symptoms of ocular rosacea are swollen, red eyelids; bloodshot eyes, crusty eyelids and even pinkeye or conjunctivitis.



Why flareups occur

The sun is one of the leading causes of rosacea flareups, so protecting your skin when outside by using sunscreen and wearing a hat, is important. Ideally, it’s best to try to avoid being out during the hottest times of the day. Other possible rosacea triggers are skin mites and Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori), a bacterium commonly associated with peptic ulcers and other gastric disorders. It is thought that H. pylori synthesizes gastrin, a hormone that causes flushing, though more research is needed to confirm this.[2]


But rosacea can occur from other triggers and they depend on the individual. Stress can be a trigger. For some drinking hot beverages and alcohol or eating hot or spicy foods can cause a flareup. Vigorous exercise and hot baths even can cause an occurrence.


Conventional Rosacea Treatment

Conventional treatment for long-term rosacea generally starts with topical antibiotic solutions in cream, gel or ointment form, which may help to ease swelling and inflammation and clear up blemishes.[3]  However, long term use of topical antibiotics can lead to more skin problems, including itchiness, inflammation and hives.[4] Laser therapy and other light-based therapies also may help reduce the redness caused by enlarged blood vessels. 



When symptoms are severe, doctors may prescribe oral antibiotic medications, such as doxycycline. But here, too, there can be side effects – nausea, diarrhea and sensitivity to light - since oral doxycycline enters the bloodstream and travels throughout the entire body.[5]   


CBD Offers Natural Rosacea Treatment

As consumers increasingly turn to natural remedies for their health and wellness, they are incorporating CBD in skincare to treat rosacea. That’s because of the demonstrated CBD anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, which may address the underlying causes of rosacea. For one, anxiety is considered to be a rosacea trigger. The ability of CBD to alleviate anxiety may result in reduced rosacea symptoms. (See: Experiencing Anxiety? Here Are Some Things to Do Each Day.) In addition, CBD’s anti-inflammatory properties may be able to combat skin surface mites and H. pylori that may bring about flushing and its antioxidant properties protect skin from the sun. [6]



Lab+Blends New Topical CBD for Rosacea

One of the easiest ways to get the benefits of CBD for rosacea is with a topical treatment. Lab+Blends new topical cream True Control for Eczema works for rosacea, too. It targets painful skin areas to decrease redness, swelling and irritation. Learn more about the product and how it can help alleviate the symptoms of these common, chronic skin problems that can affect your quality of life.



[1] Cole, Gary W., MD, FAAD and Shiel, William C, MD, FACP, FACR, “What is the Main Cause of Rosacea?” MedicineNet, accessed July 11, 2020
[2] “Causes of Rosacea: Demodex Mites & Microbes,” National Rosacea Society, accessed July 11, 2020.
[3] “Rosacea Treatment and You,” WebMD, accessed July 11, 2020.
[4] “Smith, Joy, “The Ultimate Guide to Alleviating Skin Problems with CBD Oil,” Medical Mission, January 31, 2019.
[5] [Internet]. Cologne, Germany: Institute for Quality and Efficiency in Health Care (IQWiG); 2006-. What are the treatment options for rosacea? 2006 Feb 14 [Updated 2018 Sep 20]. Available from:
[6]  Bal, Alyssha, “CBD for Rosacea: Possible Effects of CBD on Rosace,” Hemppedia, July 31, 2019.