Do you know the 80-20 rule? It maintains that 80 percent of your business comes from 20 percent of your customers. That might be high for your practice, but bottom line, the rule suggested that among a key group of customers, there is an opportunity to up-sell spa services and products if you aren't already doing so. In addition to boosting your revenue, clients will appreciate the skin-enhancing services that make the session more special.
Therapeutic body wraps are easy to add to a massage, especially nowadays with new treatments that can be applied in a dry environment. The products, such as our BIOTONE Body Luxe Hydrating Wrap, are formulated to stay moist and not dry out, retaining their creamy texture. This way, you can easily remove the product with a warm, damp cloth in one or two passes.
While you are thinking about skin treatments, think 'head to toe. We've made that easy for you with our Facial Therapy with Bio-Firming Complex products and Marine Therapy Pedi-Treatment products. We specifically designed Facial Therapy Massage Creme and MicroRefiner as add-on treatments for the face, neck, and decollete to firm and refined the skin. The products can be used separately or together for a facial. Our Pedi-Treatment products stimulate, smooth, and soften feet and lower legs. They, too can be used separately or together for a luxurious spa pedicure treatment. All of these products are available in at-home offerings so that you get the added benefit of retail sales.
Before you begin offering your new add-on treatments, spend some time thinking about exactly what services you want to offer and if you need any additional equipment or supplies. Also, think about how much additional revenue you hope to make. One industry rule of thumb is to charge treatments at $25 to $40 over the time it takes for a massage. Another formula bases the treatment cost at ten times the product cost.
Once you have your services lined up, let your clients know. When clients call for appointments, make sure to ask if they would like to consider one of the add-on treatments or mail or email them an appointment confirmation with a suggested list of treatment options. If you advertise, include your listing under beauty as well as massage. And of course, don't forget social media - make sure you post something about your new service on Facebook, Twitter, or whatever social networks you use.
Upselling may be your best new business opportunity. If you are already up selling your spa treatments, we'd love to hear what has worked for you.