You are an expert. It’s time to let everyone know.


You’re on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and other social channels. You send out email notifications about specials and new treatments, and you even send your clients greetings on special occasions. All of these activities are helping to keep you in front of clients and engage prospects. But maybe it’s time to ratchet up marketing to help you drive demand even more. Being known as “the expert” for skin treatments and massage therapy in your market could be the answer. The good news is that you already have the expertise; all you need to do is package it and take your advice and industry knowhow well known.

There are several ways you can showcase your experience in your community to raise your visibility above the competition. Consider the following:


Focus on some aspect of your treatments, changes in user preferences, case studies of clients you’ve helped. Invite followers on Facebook and other social channels to sign up to receive notifications of new posts and also provide links to your latest posts to social channels. If you don’t want to maintain your own blog, look for opportunities to contribute to other blogs and comment on posts where you have relevant information to offer.

Seek speaking opportunities

Not for profit and business organizations often are looking for speakers for their meetings. Search for organizations where topics relative to massage, new products, and ingredients, such as CBD, will be relevant. For example, a talk on the value of massage to help alleviate stress might be an interesting topic for a local business group and encourage individuals or company owners and managers to consider bringing in massage therapists to the business to treat employees.

Write an e-book

While writing a book may seem like a lot of work, consider how much knowledge you have about your profession. It’s easy to produce your own e-book these days. Your e-book can provide advice or teach readers how to do something for their own health and wellness. Once the book is written, promote it through online channels and notify clients and prospects about it through email marketing. Make the book available for download on your website.

Create a YouTube channel

It’s not difficult to create short videos about your treatments and post them on a YouTube channel. Once your channel is set up, promote the videos on social channels and your website for even greater visibility (See BIOTONE YouTube channel at

Host webinars

Host webinars where you talk about a topic, or you can invite guests.

Pitch the press on a story angle

Think of an angle about massage or skincare during the different seasons. Email or call an editor with your story idea and offer to be interviewed.

You are already an expert. Just take the time to let others in your community know through these activities and others.


Business & marketingMassage therapySpa therapy