What Should Go into A Client Newsletter?

If you are looking for another way to get the attention of clients and prospects, start an email newsletter. Unlike social media channels, where the volume of constantly updated information may distract followers, a newsletter gets a reader’s undivided attention. Once attention is secured, you build brand awareness and stay “top of mind” with the reader.

Newsletters also convey a sense of exclusivity to clients in contrast to social media posts, that are designed to be shared. A newsletter establishes a bond with clients by providing exclusive content that may otherwise be unavailable. In this way, clients feel part of a valued community, which helps to foster loyalty.

Newsletters also help build your own audience rather than depending on social media to build one. You can create a list based on current clients and prospects. Just remember to offer an opt out so that your target list has the option to ask to be removed.

And remember, even if recipients do not read the newsletter, you build recognition for your spa or massage practice because recipients regularly receive the newsletter with your name attached to it. By providing useful information, recipients will think of you as the expert in the area and you will be the first business they contact when they need a service you offer.

Stats show newsletters pay off

To show the effectiveness of email newsletters, here are some stats from MarketSplash[1]

  • When it comes to nurturing leads, 31% of B2B marketers believe that email newsletters are the most effective methods.
  • Across all industries, the typical open rate for email newsletters stands at 21.33%


Create compelling content

With a monthly or bimonthly newsletter, you can identify columns that repeat each time as well as specially featured articles.  Content can include:

  • Educate clients about your services
  • Give at-home tips to clients to extend the value of treatments in between visits
  • Share latest industry research on massage or skin treatments
  • Focus on a particular medical issue and explain how massage helps
  • Discuss type various types of lubricants you use and why
  • Feature a client case study (not mentioning client’s name)
  • Notify clients on specials and promotions
  • Focus on a member of your team
  • Update clients on any changes to your business
  • Promote loyalty programs and gift certificates
  • Encourage online booking

Whatever content you choose, remember your readers get lots of emails each day. Get their attention with catchy headlines, use images and keep articles short and to the point. Make messaging memorable.

Achieve maximum effectiveness

Even with compelling content, there are other things to consider to ensure your newsletter is an effective component of your marketing.

Simplify Design: Use the same layout and design so readers are not distracted by a different look each time. Also keep the design simple so it is not distracting, taking away from the content.

Stay on schedule: Newsletter inconsistency says to readers you are not committed to keeping in touch. You want readers to look forward to getting your newsletters. Whatever your timetable – weekly, monthly, or biweekly – stick to it.

Emphasize education: Your newsletter is a marketing piece, so readers expect information on products and services. But it is not an ad and the goal of your newsletter should to help readers understand the benefits of the treatments you offer.

Have a call to action: Among your content, have one main call to action – book your appointment, try the new treatment, add more points to get our monthly special, etc.

Test your newsletter: See what works bests. Try different colors and types of images. Make headlines smart and snappy or thoughtful. Different styles and language will appeal to different types of readers, but you will eventually find what resonates best among the majority.

Make it mobile friendly: 85% of users use smartphones to access email[2], so make sure your newsletter has a responsive email template, which means it adjusts to fit the screen used for viewing.

Newsletters are a commitment, but they can be effective in keeping communication going with clients and prospects. Once you start, you will find there is no end of interesting content you can provide. Clients may even want to save newsletters for future reference, which means they will remember you. That can lead to referrals.


[1] MarketSplash Team, “30+ Email Newsletter Statistics You Need to Know in 2023,” MarketSplash, Accessed May 4, 2024. https://marketsplash.com/email-newsletter-statistics/


[2] Gajic, Ana, “Mobile Email Statistics,” 99Firms, Accessed May 4, 2024. https://99firms.com/blog/mobile-email-statistics/