Why it Pays to Blog

Wondering how to drive more traffic to your website? Start blogging. There are several reasons to start a blog. First and foremost, your blog posts can help attract more visitors to your website. More visitors can lead to new clients.

It works this way. Every time you publish a new blog post, it serves as one more indexed page on your website.  (Indexed pages are those found by search engine crawlers and considered to have enough quality for relevant search phrases or terms, such as “aromatherapy message.”) When your blog posts show up in searches conducted by potential clients looking to understand more about massage and massage services in their area, you have the potential for new business. More visitors to your site give you more opportunities to turn that traffic into new business leads.

Other blogging benefits

While coming up high in search is golden, there are other benefits to maintaining a blog. Blog posts provide you with content that you can repurpose on other social channels. A blog post has legs, so to speak. You can post each new blog post to Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram. Valued content gets shared, which means your blog posts can reach even more potential new clients.

Blog posts also convey your experience and expertise and help educate clients and prospects. A blog post can help clarify the goals of a massage and what types work best with certain conditions. A blog post can help answer questions that clients may be reluctant to raise, such as are they supposed to assist in any way during the treatment. Or is it appropriate to talk during a session.

Another benefit of blogging is in establishing backlinks, or inbound links, from another website.  Let us say another company such as a health club is doing an article on massage and links to one of your posts. That link not only drives more visitors to your site, it serves as a validation of your authority on a topic. Search engines factor backlinks into their search results.

Have a gameplan

Since a blog is a key part of marketing, make sure you blog meets your overriding strategic marketing goals. If you have a particular demographic in mind,  such as millennials, you want to create blog posts that speak to their specific needs in addition to any generic blogs that would benefit any reader. That is why it pays to plan your content out over several months, identifying blog topics to develop on a weekly or biweekly basis. This saves time and prevents last-minute stress over what to blog as your weekly deadline looms.

Even after you are off and running with your blog, analyze traffic. See what posts are getting the most traction and leading to inquiries about your services and, even better, bookings. Use the traffic analysis to help determine what you should be writing down the road.

Choose from many topics

There are many potential topics for your blog, with lots of content online to draw from. Here are 12 topics to get the creative juices flowing:

  1. Explain why you chose to be a massage therapist
  2. Explain the difference between Swedish vs. deep tissue massage
  3. Discuss how to prepare for your first massage
  4. Talk about what should you ask your massage therapist for a first-time massage
  5. Explain how massage help alleviate headaches
  6. List the five top benefits of a massage
  7. Address how long the effects of massage should last
  8. Describe prenatal massage
  9. Explain the benefits of sports massage
  10. Explain how massage helps alleviate stress
  11. Describe your massage therapy approach to a particular health condition
  12. Discuss your favorites massage therapy products and why you use them
  13. Cite some of the latest research on massage as it relates to a particular health condition
  14. Dispel common myths about massage therapy
  15. Look back at the history of massage

The topics are truly endless. Your expertise and industry knowledge as conveyed in your blog can build business and strong client relationship. That is why they say “knowledge is power.”