The Season for Giving is well underway. You may have noticed all those Black Friday and Cyber Monday opportunities in your inbox! Many massage businesses miss out on the holiday shopping craze when they should be cashing in. It is a shame because there is no better time to encourage clients to refer their friends, family, and workmates. There are a few tried and true methods for maximizing your holiday gift certificate sales:
Seasonal Promotions
Create a yummy holiday treatment special that incorporates the essence of the season. Give clients a nice discount and offer a treatment that will indulge and pamper. Maybe a body wrap with nutmeg or a massage with a spearmint scalp treatment. You can check out the treatment protocols that BIOTONE has created and adapt one to your needs. You can find them HERE.
Get the Word Out
Once you have created your holiday promotions, you need to let your clients know your offering. Hopefully, you have been collecting those email addresses on your intake forms! If so, create a nice email news flash with the details of your promotion. Be sure to include treatment details, duration of therapy, pricing, and a nice note about how wonderful this type of gift is for those you love.
You can also print 3x5 postcards with the same information to pass out to clients after receiving treatment from you. This is a nice way to spread the word without feeling like you are “selling” someone. Hand the card to clients as they leave from your establishment and say something to the effect of “Here are my seasonal specials in case there is someone you think would enjoy an exceptional treat this Holiday. Let me know what you think!” You can get 250 postcards printed for close to nothing online at sites like Vista Print.
Post specials on your Facebook profile, Facebook business page, Twitter account, and website. The more places you post, the more likely people are to take advantage of your offer. It would help if you also were careful not to overdo it. Create posts that refer to your special every 4 days or so between now and the end of the season. Posting too often may overwhelm your followers. No one likes to be badgered into a purchase. Make sure your posts have value to them by including something funny, educational, or relevant.
Things to Think About
Christmas is not the only holiday happening! You may not know your clients' beliefs, and you want to be inclusive, so if you know, a client celebrates Christmas, by all means, wish them a Merry Christmas, but keep in mind that “Happy Hanukah” or “Happy Holidays” may sometimes be more appropriate. You may want to consider offering clients a FREE add-on or giving regulars a small token gift (BIOTONE has a great Holiday Gift Pack) to show you care.
Therapists sometimes have a hard time “selling” their services or promoting themselves for several reasons. That said, it is important to feel like you are offering something valuable to clients and their loved ones. The gift of massage is a gift that allows you to make someone feel good! Keep that in mind as you promote your special. If you see the value, so will others!
Lastly, if you haven’t already, get started now. Time flies by, and before you know it, all those holiday dollars will be spent somewhere else!
Do you have any tips for maximizing the season? Let us know!