I just got back from a trip (don’t be jealous). Just like you, anytime I travel, I love to indulge my curiosity - local attractions, cuisine, and of course, featured wellness treatments. Exploring treatments help me with my self-care and is good for me professionally. Since I was at the Gulf naturally, my thoughts turned to oysters, saltwater, and seaweed. So, just as naturally, I chose a detoxifying massage and seaweed wrap as my spa adventure.
This was a great option because it not only fits the experience; it’s also similar to a treatment that I offer in my office. Receiving classic treatments can help me compare my protocols and is a great reminder of why it’s on my menu in the first place. Over the years, trying different protocols has inspired me, allowed me to try out equipment/products, fine-tune my own implementation, and sharpen my focus. And sometimes it’s just fun.
I am happy to report that this costly treatment was almost identical to the one that I perform, teach, and that’s in the Biotone protocols. The main difference is that the spa used wet room techniques to remove the mask, and I use warm wet towels. I have performed it both ways, and now I have received it both ways. I honestly prefer the towel method because, as a client, it feels better.
Another difference is they used a costly imported product. I paid close attention to the workability, ease of use, and the effects over the next couple of days. I can safely say that the products I use are comparable on all three points; of course, I am referring to the Biotone Firmi-Sea Body Mud and Detoxify Customizing Complex. Even after all these years, it’s still a little awe-inspiring how well we can replicate these very luxurious protocols in our own treatment rooms.
By the way, did you catch the title? There has been so much discussion in the last few decades about describing the term spa and what qualifies as spa treatments. I have had many spirited conversations with “serious” therapists about the therapeutic impact of “spa” treatments. I have concluded - if you are getting hung up on a word, then change the word.
Detoxifying treatments are a perfect example of how a spa is easily categorized as a wellness treatment. For example: If your clients are exploring diets, supplements, and regimes that improve their overall health - you may consider offering your support to their wellness goals by incorporating detox wraps and oils in their massage sessions. Bonus: seaweed, as an ingredient, is an emerging trend.
No matter what you call it, if you decide to integrate it, learn how to do it properly, and practice. Traditionally, these treatments involve exfoliation by dry brushing, applying a body mask and wrapping, removing the mask, and then a massage utilizing lymphatic supporting aromatherapy oils. None of these protocols are complicated, but they are a skill.
Take advantage of great resources, including Biotone’s website, YouTube, workshops, or at the very least, arrange to receive the treatment and offer a trade out.
I am currently redesigning my menu to emphasize my new focus on “Wellness Treatments.” I will also be creating fresh ways to promote these enhancements to my clients. 2016 is going to be fun.
Be well, Do good work, and let us know how you are going to grow in 2016